Chapter 180

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There are "squeaking" insects and all kinds of pleasant birds in the forest. The wind is gentle and the air is clean with rain and dew. Five tigers and one wolf surround the leopard. The fierce momentum is put together with the relaxed environment, but it is not abrupt at all.

Bart looked at the leopard and saw the drama in his eyes? We always have to choose a leader and let Rosa focus on rewarding one beast. "

Parker's eyes were covered with a layer of blood, and the whole world turned into blood graffiti.

"Ouch!" A tiger roared and rushed to the leopard.


Parker took this opportunity to build up his strength and pretended to fight with the tiger. In the moment of jumping up, he turned to the other direction and rushed to the breakthrough.

With a whew, the leopard burst out of the ring like lightning, so fast that it could only see a yellow shadow.

Both the tigers and Bart were stunned and peered at each other's faces. They read the same message from each other's eyes: how fast!

When they come back, the leopard has run ten meters. They ran at once, too.

"Don't blame me for not giving you a chance. Now I'm going to do it myself," said Bart, with an embarrassed face

After that, he turned into a wolf, leaping ahead of the tigers and chasing the leopard in front.

Parker's head is getting more and more painful, and he knows that he can't run more. Listening to the voice behind him, he bounces his back leg on a branch.

After that, Bart scolded: come again!

Fortunately, the branch is not high, so he can jump on it. Bart's eyes overflowed with the necessary fierce light, his body leaped up closely, and he could jump to the leopard when he saw it, but he didn't want the leopard just fell on the branch, and his body fell down again when he turned.

The branches that Parker kicked on his hind legs jerked violently, and the leaves "clattered".

Bart at the bottom immediately showed weakness. Although Parker was seriously injured, he was high and powerful. His momentum was surging and the sound of breaking the wind was full of the spirit of killing.

"Ouch!" Parker opened his mouth and bit, his sharp tusks shining in the sun through the crowns.

The black wolf waved his claws at the leopard's head, and Parker immediately changed his mouth to bite the wolf's leg.

Parker's bite force can definitely break the wolf's leg in one bite, but the strength and reaction of the beast are not comparable to those of the beast. Bart nimbly and quickly took his front leg from the leopard's mouth, only allowing Parker's teeth to scratch the flesh and skin.

With a bang, the wolf fell to the ground with his back. Parker stepped on the wolf's chest and lunged forward inertia.

The dizziness of his head made Parker unable to hold his body, and he jumped out and turned over several somersaults before he stumbled to his feet. The leopard's mouth overflowed with bloodstain, moistened the short hair on the edge of its mouth, and its eyes were almost red.

At this time, Parker killed red eyes, forgot what level the opponent was, and how many beasts they had. His whole blood was fighting and killing loudly!

He wants to kill any creature in front of him and live!

The tigers rushed over and saw the wolf fall to the ground with a sneer.

Bart was so angry that he rolled over and landed on all fours With a roar, he pounced on the leopard. As soon as the leopard changed its normal state, it also ran towards him fiercely.


In the moment of sumo, a tiger roaring through the forest exploded, the leaves trembled at the same frequency in the sound wave, even the fine rain line in the air was shaking.

Just after the sound reached here, a white shadow cut through the air, hit the two beasts that were about to pounce together, and both of them flew out.

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