So Long Lucious.

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* Part Two to Another Lifetime *

How do I..

Say goodbye..

To what..

We had..

The good times..

That made us laugh..

The sad video continued to play on the big screen. It was now showing a video of Cookie and Lucious playing with Jamal and Andre on Christmas Day. Cookie was also pregnant with Hakeem, though, in the video she didn't know just yet.

A soft hand touched Cookie shoulder. Turning around to see who it was, Cookie was fighting tears. Today was the day, she had to see the love of her life go to another lifetime. Sadly, her lover didn't make it. It was said to believe, that Lucious had gotten an infection and it was too late to treat.

That whole day for Cookie, was hell for her. She cried and cried for hours, yelling Lucious name all throughout the hospital. That was her ride or die partner. He wasn't suppose to go so soon. They had just gotten back together, and the heart breaking truth was, the day he got shot, was also the day, that he was going to ask Cookie to marry him again.

"It's going to be okay." Leah, softly said.

Cookie nodded her head and gave Leah a small smile, slowly turning back around to see the rest of the sad video. Jamal was sitting next to her while Andre & Hakeem were behind her crying their eyes out. It was such a sad day for the Lyons. Yes they had their issues, but they're family, and family isn't perfect.

"I can't bare to watch this any longer, Mal." Cookie sighed, looking slowly up at Jamal.

"I can't either." Jamal spoke lowly, with tears in his eyes, to the point where, Cookie couldn't almost hear him.

A headache was starting to come to Cookie. Cookie looked down into her lap before she felt herself fainting off and hearing screams all throughout the church..

"Mrs. Lyon? Did you hear what I said?" The doctor asked Cookie, making her snap out of her thoughts.

"No, I'm sorry. What was it that you said?" Cookie asked giving the doctor a soft smile.

"Lucious is out of surgery. It was an infection because of the fact that the doctors didn't fully clean him up. However, I'm glad to say that we were able to catch it before it got worse. You, Lucious, & the boys are very lucky. You have a nice night, Mrs. Lyon." The doctor continued before walking out of the room and closing the door.

Looking over towards her right, Cookie saw Lucious sleeping in the hospital bed. She blew out a breath of relief. She didn't know what, she would do if she lost Lucious.. again. Cookie couldn't bare to live the rest of her life, with the fact that Lucious is actually not there.

"Cookie." He groaned.


".. what happened?" Lucious questioned.

"Eddie shot you."

There was silence in the room for a minute. Lucious stared at the wall.

"I'mma kill that son of a bitch." Lucious grunted out.

"Soon.. soon." Cookie mumbled softly.

Lucious eyes softened. He stared at Cookie as she started to fiddle with her fingers. It was a sign that, she wanted to say something but she was too afraid of how the other person would react.

"You kno' you can tell me anythin'." Lucious said.

"Why did you allow Yana to believe that, 'Home Is On The Way'.. is about.. her." Cookie spoke once more.

"I didn't meant to.. I was just trying to help her.. how do you kno' that the song is about.. you?" Lucious asked Cookie.

"She was singing it to me in my office and I told her how the lyrics were the words that, you said to me right before our first wedding." Cookie said before having a flashback of the day she told the truth to Yana.

"I told you once.. I told you twice.. I'll tell you again." Yana softly sung making Cookie smile.

"You and me.. is all that we'll ever need." She sung once more before pausing to get Cookie's feedback.

"I love it! It has such a sweet message to it." Cookie gushed.

"Those lyrics remind me of what Lucious told me right before our first wedding." Cookie spoke before chuckling a little bit.

Hearing that from Cookie, made Yana heart hurt. She knew something was wrong, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Now she knew what it all was.

"Where did you learn to put those beautiful lyrics into a song?" Cookie asked Yana. She was very young and she looked like she barely had any experience.

"I didn't.. Lucious did." Yana spat out. She walked out of Cookie's office before saying anything else.

"You just love to treat woman bad. Why?" Cookie wondered.

"I just.. I don't know.." Lucious said.


"I don't Cookie.."

"Well, why ya' ole peg leg ass don't?" She questioned him.


"I'm sorry, I just had to let it out." Lucious said before holding his stomach.

"Are you okay?" Cookie asked in a rush.

"Yeah, I haven't had nothing to eat."

"I can go get you some jello." Cookie told him.

"I want some of your jello though." Lucious said wiggling his eyebrows around. Cookie rolled her eyes hard. Jake the Pirate thought he was doing something.

"Yeah yeah yeah, whateva." She spoke giving him a dismissive hand before standing up.

"Can you hurry back too? I'm already missing you." Lucious whined making Cookie giggle.

"Yes nigga damn." She said closing the door behind her.

Cookie started to walk to the cafeteria before giggling to herself.

* Here's part two ! *

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