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"Hey guys, I'm going to the mall to get some food. Wanna come?" I asked Zach. He shook his head and stuffed a bunch of goldfish in his mouth. "Nope." He said.

"I'll come." Jack said. I nodded my head. We got into the car and I started to reverse down the driveway.

"Zach's not doing great right now. His younger brother found his soulmate, and Zach's kinda jealous." Jack told me.

I nodded. "Yeah, that sucks. Let's go get him some junk food." I suggested. Jack nodded.

We stopped at a red light. I noticed that Jack was jiggling his leg up and down, a usual nervous habit.

"Hey. You ok?" I asked. He looked at me and half-shrugged.

"I just don't think that I'll get my soulmate. Maybe I'll find her, sure. But she won't want to be with me. Who wants to be tied to someone with a baby?" Jack said, punching the dashboard.

I stayed quiet. It's best just to let him talk it out. "I mean, I love Lavender. I loved Gabbie. But my soulmate might not even want kids. How will she react to being a stepmom?" He said quietly. He rubbed his knuckles.

"How does the connection even work?" He continued. "It can't be love at first sight. That's bullshit. It has to be that you need to fall in love with each other. She won't want to get to know me. I have a while family that she's not a part of." Jack said. I noticed tears in his eyes.

I pulled the car over. Jack rubbed his face with his hand. "Sorry man. I'm just pissed off." He said eventually.

I nodded. "Yeah. I get it. I think about that stuff too." I said, rubbing my tattoo.

Jack looked at my arm and smirked. "Yeah, you must have pissed her off in the first three seconds of knowing her." He joked. I rolled my eyes and hit his arm.

I put the key in the ignition and started up the car. I pulled out onto the road.

About 10 minutes away from the mall, jack gasped and doubled over, clutching his stomach. "Ow ow ow!" He gasped.

"Jack?! Are you ok? What's going on?! I said.

He hissed through his teeth and shook his head. "Stomach cramps. My soulmate is on her period. I don't know why she doesn't use painkillers, that would make it easier for both of us." He said.

"Damn that's rough." I said. I rummaged around the glove box and pulled out a box of pain killers. He took one and put it in his mouth, then took a sip of water from the bottle I had in the car.

"Thanks." He said gratefully.

I pulled up in the mall parking lot and we got out. The first place we went was chipotle to pick up something to eat. We also stopped at in-n-out and got Zach some nuggets.

Then I noticed a coffee shop across the mall. "Let's go get something for Jonah." I said, pulling him over.

The real reason is, I'm looking for my soulmate. My wrist says "you better get me a new coffee, dick." So it makes sense to look for her in a coffee shop.

The coffee shop was almost deserted, except for two girls sitting near the window. One of the girls, a petite, dark- haired girl stood up and walked to the counter.

We walked in and jack sat down. While I went to order.

The small girl placed her order, then stepped to the side. I ordered a regular iced-coffee and stood beside her to wait.

"Hi, I'm Daniel." I said. I'd I wanna meet the one, I have to be social. Even if it makes me feel uncomfortable. She turned and smiled, flashing perfect white teeth.

"I'm Lara." She said, holding out her hand to shake mine. I took her hand, mine completely covering hers. I noticed she had a tiny tattoo  on her wrist. Two small hearts, like the emoji.

Where have I seen that before?

Her number got called and she walked over and picked up her coffee. "It was nice to meet you. If we ever run into each other again, we should hang out." She suggested.

"Yeah, sure. I'll give you my number." I said. I grabbed a napkin and a pen and scrawled out my number and my name. I handed it to her and she smiled. "Thanks!"

She stuck it in her back pocket. Her friend waved at us, and they walked out.

Jack walked over. "Hey, she was cute. Is she a first-words? Or a pain?" He asked. I shook my head. "Nah, she was a tattoo. It looked familiar, actually, but I can't remember where I saw it before." I said.

Jack shrugged. "Eh. But what did I you write on that paper you gave her?" He asked.

"My number."

His eyes widened. "Why?!" He demanded.

I shrugged. "I don't know. She seems like a nice girl. It's good to have friends." I said.

Jack rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Let's go give Zach his food before I eat it."


Oooooh Daniel met Lara!

Shame they aren't soulmates though. If only Zach was there.

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Love you my lil jelly beans.

Josie out!

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