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Chapter 5 – Juliet

Kit moved her breakfast around on her plate, looking sick to her stomach. I had been watching her all morning, unsure what to say to comfort my little sister. No one could be comforted on Reaping Day.

I couldn't tell her that she'd be okay, because that wasn't something I could promise. I just hoped that I had pleased President Snow enough that he wouldn't rig the Reaping to put Kit in the Games. The thought made my stomach turn unpleasantly.

My entire family sat in silence. No one had really touched their breakfast, but that wasn't uncommon on a day like today. I wondered if everyone was remembering this exact morning last year, when all of our lives had changed as soon as my name was called out.

Kit, now fourteen, had an even greater chance of being picked this year. Although the thought made me nervous, it was worse knowing that if President Snow wanted her in the Games, there was no amount of luck that could stop that from happening.

"Did you hear? Another Peacekeeper was killed a few nights ago. Rumors are that he was a Rebel." My father attempted small talk, lowering his voice when he mentioned the Rebels. My mother made a noise of agreement, but no one bothered to continue the conversation.

After another agonizingly quiet minute, I pushed myself away from the table, my chair made a loud screeching noise. My parents and Kit turned to look at me, solemn expressions on their faces.

"We should get going." I offered Kit a smile, but I knew that it looked force. The small blonde nodded in agreement, delicately rising from the table and smoothing out her pale-yellow dress. I looked down at my own, feeling slightly self-conscious. The simple black dress had arrived in the mail a few days ago, and I knew that I didn't have much of a choice in the matter.

I felt like I was attending a funeral. In a twisted way, I was.

I hugged my parents tightly. I would be off to the Capitol today as a Mentor, and I had no idea when I would be able to see them again.

"We'll meet you there, Kit." My mom reassured the fourteen-year-old, fixing my sister's mess of golden curls. Kit nodded in response, staying silent. I hadn't heard her speak a word all morning, and it was saddening to see the usually chatty girl so serious.

After another round of hugs, we set off toward the town. I was half-expecting to see Luke leaving his own house, but I knew he was probably already in town at his family's house. His younger brother was only a year older than Kit, and I knew he was probably thinking the same thing as me. Had we done enough to protect our families?

As we got closer to the Town Center, more children were emerging from their homes. I felt uncomfortable under the weight of the stares, as if I had done something wrong by surviving. Kit's small hand slipped into mine, giving it a squeeze. My mind flashed back to a year ago, when we had walked hand in hand to the Reaping with no idea what was ahead of us.

Physically, Kit had done a lot of growing up since then, almost catching up to me in height. Her baby face had thinned out, her hair was even blonder, but the biggest change was the darker look haunting her blue eyes. I had been so wrapped up in my own life the past few months that I never thought about how my own family was handling things. Although she looked older in appearance, she had already aged way past her years.

"You'll be fine, Juliet." She spoke, giving me a tiny smile. A hysterical giggle escaped my mouth, and she looked at me like I was crazy.

I shook my head. "I'm supposed to be the one comforting you, Kit. Not the other way around."

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