Chapter 80: A Radio Interview

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-Harry's POV-

"So tell me Harry.. This is your fourth album. Do you still get nervous when you release new music?"

I slap a smile on my face, having answered this same questions dozens of times now. It's always the same questions in each interview, but it's my job to answer them like it's the first time I've heard of it. "Yeah. I think... you spend so much time and put so much of yourself into your music... you can't but be a bit nervous about it. But our fans never cease to amaze us with how supportive they are."

"Yes, supportive is one word for it." The radio interviewer laughs, "Does all the attention ever get old? I mean, right now there's at least twenty young women outside this studio, just hoping to catch a glimpse of you. This follows you everywhere you go right?"

"Not everywhere. Usually tends to be when any of us lads are scheduled to be at a specific location. But no, I wouldn't say it gets old. It's them we have to thank for what we get to do everyday, so when you put things in perspective... There's not much to complain about really."

"Props to you for keeping your head about you. You're listening to Kiis FM, L.A.'s number one hit music station. We'll be right back with more from Harry Styles."

I nod at the interviewer as we go to break, more then ready to get home and back into bed. We'd landed only six hours ago, getting about four hours sleep before I had to drag myself out of bed and head to the studio. Well, Ava dragged me out of bed. Had she not been there, I would most likely still be in bed. Or asleep in the car park in my Range Rover. It only took a meager amount of whining and pulling on her arm to get her to tag along with me.

I really don't know how I managed before her.

I look to my left and through the glass windows separating the studio and the sound booth. A smile overtakes my face as my eyes meet Ava's, my mood immediately being lifted.

"That your girl?"

My eyes shoot to Todd, the interviewer, as I nod, "Yeah."

"You think she'd be willing to go on air? Fans would go crazy to hear her perspective. Let them know what it's like to date the Harry Styles."

"Doubt it mate. She doesn't fancy attention." I chuckle.

"Any harm in asking? When we had Zayn here earlier this week, Perrie joined us for a few. Was a huge hit."

I hesitate, not one to be public about my relationships. However, I can't really compare what Ava and I have with anyone I dated before. She's not going anywhere, and maybe it would help the fans see that she's just a normal bird. Just like them.

"Yeah alright. I'll ask her." I nod, standing up from my chair.

"We're back on in three." Todd informs me as I step into the next room.

"Done already?" Ava asks, looking up at me.

"Not quite." I smile at her.

"Spill Styles." She raises her eyebrows, reading me like a book.

"Come on the air with me?"

"No way." She shakes her head, laughing like I just said the craziest thing she's ever heard.

"Yes way... Might be good. Let the fans get to know you a bit more. Us together..."

"Or give me a chance to make a fool of myself."

"Not possible." I shake my head, pulling her onto her feet.

I chuckle as she tries to fight me, still easily able to wrap my arms around her waist.

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