in God's presence

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In God's presence I feel safe, in God's presence I feel loved, yes God's is my everything.

He is my real father...when I lost my biologic father, I felt a pain that I didn't expect to feel one day in my life... I couldn't cry the way I wanted because, I was not supposed to upset my mother even more.

One day before he passed away, they call us early in the morning by my mother to inform us that my Dad was in the hospital, we were in total panic but my sisters told me to go to school.
After school, I ask how my dad is doing, they told me the same thing, that he still not okay...
I remember that day in the evening I went to the bedroom, I was on my knees that was my prayer;

"God, you know everything about us, you know our life's situation more then anyone in here, so please if my father gonna get better may he be okay by tomorrow. But if he's not gonna get better by staying in the hospital for a long period as long as we can't afford this and die after that , so please may he die in peace now, don't let him suffer more, Amen."

Then the following day I went to school as always... At 9:00AM I felt a pain that I couldn't control then my tears started to come out all my book was wet by my tears, and it's was in that time that my dad left us.

I wasn't sure about how is going then when I reached home I found my big brother in the house,so I ask him how our dad is doing, and he started his sentence by" Chris, humm you know dad still not okay... Hein humm he's no longer with us Chris..."
I tried to react like a strong person right, I took the broom and started to sweep...and I was like" oh really, so... He's no longer with us right, and we're not gonna be together anymore, okay cool" then i realised that I wasn't sweeping dust anymore but I was sweeping my tears on the floor... it's was so hard for I couldn't take it anymore, then I let myself fall on the floor, my brother started to wipe my tears. Like I'm the last born in my family everyone wanted to know how I was doing.

So...after my dad's funeral, we prayed a lot and now I can tell you that God really helped us a lot... He's always with us in every situation. He replaced that empty place that our dad left by his love.

I just wanted to share this with you, to let you know that God is able to restore the broken heart, he's able to give you peace that nobody else can.


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