Getting Bored.

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I know several people
who after a few months or
years just get bored of a person
for whatever reason and
break up with them to
be with someone new! I mean... Wtf???
What is going on?
Is this love for you?
Is this your definition of love?

You all changed love
and destroyed its concept.
If you love someone from
your deepest heart, You
will never ever gets bored.
This is love.

I do not know why people
these days are not serious in
their relationships.
I mean, what's the problem?
If you are capable of being loved,
Why you refuse this chance!!
Everyone hopes to take your place
Eveyone needs a real love, real relationship.!!
Anyways, i don't care
about other's relationships,
i'm just saying...
I only care about

To the one who i love...
I loved you with all my senses,
i gave you all my attentions,
i did everything for you and i
would still do anything for you!
so why these emotions can't just
be returned?
I know you love me, i know you do.
But i hate that you don't
share anything with me!
You do not even share your
thoughts, your feelings, your own perspective to things!
I want to know everything that is
going on in your mind, please
show me your love, let me feel you.
I know you are a little different
from me, and we don't have
a lot of things in common, i know i really know...
But can you just please change
yourself a little bit, just a little
for me?

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