Chapter 17 ~ Mated

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Now that enough of you have described Bjarke as a big teddy bear, I'd like to reveal his name actually means bear

Chapter 17: Mated

Bjarke got me outside just in time for me to be sick. On my knees at the edge of the forest, a tight band constricted around my stomach but I had nothing left. Panting, my shoulders slumped and my mate let out a soft rumble as he rubbed my back. The gentle flow of his emotions calmed me down and I sat back.

I'd wanted a more romantic morning as I woke up for the first time next to my mate. My body had other ideas.

"Sorry," I mumbled, wiping my mouth with the cloth he offered me.

"You've nothing to be sorry for," he assured me.

Helping me back to my feet, he led me into our den so we could get dressed. He tried to help me but I pushed him away. I didn't want to feel coddled. I slipped a dress over my head, already feeling a lot better, and I took time to appreciate the male getting dressed across from me.

My mate.

A flutter of pride filled me but I dreaded the reaction we were going to get when the pack found out. And I was still struggling to wrap my head around the fact I was carrying another life. So much had happened in such a short span of time but I didn't regret what happened last night. Not one bit. Other might not be so happy their Beta had taken a feral mate.

I tried not to start panicking again, curling my hand around the rabbit's foot that was still in the pocket of my dress. There was this niggling fear that Valdis would return and try to claim us both. Or worse, just the pup. Did he have that right?

My hand pressed against my abdomen, lips moving in a silent promise that I'd protect it. Him or her. I exhaled shakily. There was also the fact that Madden was concerned, I'd seen it in his eyes even as he'd told me there was nothing to worry about. Now that I'd done the maths, I think I knew what he feared too; my pup was too small.

Wulver pregnancies were five months, I should have had a more pronounced bump. My scent should have told any wolf nearby that I was pregnant. There was something wrong with me.

A hand on my hip brought me out of my thoughts and I looked up as my Beta pulled me against his chest. "You need to stop giving fuel to your fears."

"I can't help it. There's a lot to fear," I replied brokenly.

His hand replaced mine over my belly, his warmth seeping into my skin. I closed my eyes, relishing in the feel of him. A gentle kiss was placed against my lips and I smiled. If I'd thought the Beta could read my thoughts before, it was eerie now. At least now, I could feel him too.

"Our scouts and warriors are working on tracking down Valdis and his wolves but it's been weeks now and there's been no sign of them. You don't have anything to fear from him and the other Wanderers. And after breakfast, Madden can do his exam. He won't let anything happen to our pup, he'll know what needs to be done to get you both healthy," he comforted, tucking my hair behind my ear.

I stared at him in awe. He'd called the pup ours. Would he always feel that way? That was another fear, that he'd come to resent me and my child. It was biological that he'd eventually want pups of his own, and I knew he'd be a good father.

"Come. You need to eat." He urged me out of the door, giving me no time to fret over what the pack would think of the latest development in our relationship.

I struggled against the hand at my back that forced me to walk. "I'm not hungry. I feel sick."

"I didn't ask if you'd like to eat, I'm telling you that you need to eat. For you and the pup. Katrin might have some ginger we can make into a tea for you. It should settle your stomach," he stated firmly.

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