Make The Devil Change His Mind

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"Get under a table!" The librarian called sheepishly, his hands shaking with fear as he slammed the back door locking it shut while pushing a chair underneath the handle. I caught a glimpse of the blood smeared over his shirt making me feel light headed with alarm. The only other 7 people in the room had no idea what was going on, I saw on their now terrified and confused faces that they wanted some kind of explanation and I wanted to tell them, I wanted to give them a reason to hide but my body refused to move, my eyes were wide open in fear, my legs slammed up against my shaking chest with my arms tight around them just sitting... Waiting under a small table like a coward. I thought I wasn't afraid of anything... I'd spoken to ghosts before, I'd used a ouija board, I was completely independent and strangely enough I'd always been somewhat of a dark, twisted child never to grow out of it but in that awfully long few minutes of just waiting for my final breath I was completely petrified and it worried me. Let me give a quick run down on what my whole school was doing in a code blue.

*10 minutes earlier*

"You need to get out of here Haven!" I could hear a young boy by the name of Reed yell hysterically from behind me as I stood frozen in the middle of our open corridor, staring aimlessly at the man walking casually in the opposite direction to me, his thick black coat that hung over his shoulders making them too large for his body, his black jeans were the perfect size for him, showing off his perfect legs but not so much that they were tight. His hands and face were pale white, like he hadn't seen sun for years, his hair although a messy blonde with dark roots sat perfectly, just covering his dark eyes and ears. I was somehow mesmerized by him causing my body to tell me to stay still instead of running from the young man in front of me that held an overly large gun hanging loosely from his right hand.

'WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!? RUN YOU IDIOT!' My head began screaming endlessly at me but the rest of me said no.

"Haven! Run!" Again Reed's voice shook my body forcing me to turn to look at him, just seeing that innocent stare caused me to realize I had to listen to him but before I could move Reed grabbed hold of me opening the side door that lead down a corridor towards the library "Go!" He bellowed forcefully pushing through the door.

"Come with me" I pleaded letting my tears begin to fall, I had only seen this boy around and never really got the chance to get to know him but he was the only person who was ever nice to me.

"I'll be right behind you Haven" A slight unsure tone in his voice, with a fake smile, I couldn't help but savor that smile feeling as if I knew it'd be the last time I'd see it.

"You promise?" I whispered through my tears.

"I promise" He replied kissing my forehead and shutting the door on me. I reached for the handle again holding back on turning it when I heard a loud gun shot, I jumped furiously at the sound, my eyes widening in fright and then I knew I had to run for the library, the only place that seemed quiet and safe enough away from the killing. So I did, I bolted for the door opening and slamming it shut searching for a place to hide, when I found the back of the room a small table that no one ever sat at.

With my eyes closed I thought back to the shot while I waited listening to the sobs and cries around me, each under a table so scared I honestly felt saddened for them.  

After my thoughts got the better of me a young girl ran through the door screaming and crying in agony, not from any wound that I could see.

"He killed him" She babbled through her painful tears "He killed Reed" People from around tried to calm her when I recognized that pretty face... Reed's girlfriend. My heart stopped and I started sobbing as the cruel reality hit me, the only person who'd ever taken note of my existence was now gone and I'd soon be after. Would I be sent to the fury pitt of hell because of my evil and sometimes sadistic thoughts? I couldn't stop my legs turning to jelly, my insides doing flips or my sudden sorrow for the innocent boy who just saved me.

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