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1> I have a phobia from spiders

2> I have a fear from darkness

3> I love soccer not like all of the other teen girls

4> I still watch cartoons

5> I sleep with a teddy bear

6> I kept on drinking milk in a baby bottle till I was 7

7> I have a huge crush on nutella and Pringles

8> I love babies but they discuss me with all there poop and saliva and puke ewe

9> I love to watch horror movies these that contains monsters and zombies

10> I hate all kinds of martial arts and my brother wants me to practice karate with him

11> my dream was to become a movie director when I grow up but my parents convinced me not to

12> I can stay alone at home at day but at night no one can make me do it because I'm afraid of thieves and monsters to attack me when I'm alone

13> Sometimes I act like a 5 years old girl and want to play with all of my Barbi dolls

14> When I'm alone I pretend to be a rock star or something and start singing like a maniac

15> I have a fear of dogs and cats even though I want to have a puppy

16> I love all kinds of food including pasta

17> I hate all subjects at school but I'm brilliant in all of them except for all memorizing subjects

18> sometimes I feel like if there was a ghost watching me and following me wherever I go

19> I love to have a boy cousin the same age as I but I'm afraid that if he was cute that I would fall in love with him

20> I'm the oldest between all of my cousins

21> I have a crush on Finn from Adventure Time

22> I still love playing with dolls so i visit my girl cousins and play with them

23> my dream is to have a room where I could build a city of Legos

24> once I wanted to collect alot of colorful paper pieces from random magazines and newspapers to make new stuff from them

25> I hate going out of the house and stay in the sun for a long time because I get sunburned easily


That was basically everything. Thanks empty_writer again tor the nomination.


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