The Forgotten

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A/N: Hey guys. You may be wondering why I haven't updated any of my stories recently, well the answer is the fact that I am participating in NaNoWriMo. It's a competition type thing where you have to write a novel in the month of November. So I am trying to write 30,000 words in 30 days, which doesn't seem that hard, but it is. So far I have around 8,000 words 5 days into this thing. But as you all know us as writers get distracted... ANYWHO! I thought I would share the story as I write it. It's unedited, completely UNEDITED, so please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes! I am breaking it up into smaller parts just so I can give you more updates!! :) Thanks for your understanding and I hope you enjoy the start of "The Forgotten" 

Chapter 1 - The Dream

I’m running. In a meadow, beautiful flower patches are everywhere, the grass a dazzling green. I can hear the water streams running near the spot we are having a picnic in. I can hear the melodic sweet sounds of the birds chirping in the trees.

“Catch me if you can!” my older sister calls out as I run after her, going as fast as my tiny little legs can go.

“Ebby! Don’t run so fast” I call out in a heavy breathe, in return I can hear her laugh eco throughout the trees.

I stop chasing her and run over to where mummy and daddy are sitting. They have set up a picnic in the middle of the meadow for a treat. We always come down here on sunny days, just to spend sometimes together.

“Are you hungry yet, dear?” Mummy asks me, opening the picnic basket. I nod enthusiastically and she laughs. My sister runs over soon after and we have our lunch, Mummy and Daddy tell us stories about how they were kids and used to run in meadows just like this. We laugh and have a lot of fun, after lunch Mummy and Daddy play ball games with me and Ebby. We kick a soccer ball back and forth; my Daddy loves soccer, that’s what he tells me. After a little while of kicking the ball around Ebby gets bored and says she is going down to the streams.

“As long as you take your sister” Daddy says, walking back over to the picnic mat. I hear Ebby groan behind me

“Fine” she says, obviously not happy to take her 5 year old sister with her.

We walk down to the streams, as we walk we can hear the rushing of the water grow and Mummy and Daddy’s talking disappear. The crunch of the leaves under our feet as we walk makes a song pattern. When we reach the stream, it’s beautiful. The stream is a little bit of water that runs down into our lake out the back. It’s no very deep, you can stand up in it and it will only come up to your knees. Me and Ebby always came down here and walked along the stones in the stream to get to the lake to have a swim.

We walk along the stream for a little bit, both me and Ebby happy to keep the silence between us. We are good sisters, me and Ebby, we don’t have a lot of fights and we are always happy in each other’s company. We get half way to the lake before I hear some rustling in the bushes.

“Ebby, did you hear that?” I ask Ebby, jumping over the rocks to catch up to her. It’s scary out here alone sometimes, that’s why I always come here with Ebby because she is eight and big enough to protect me.

“No, I didn’t hear anything” Ebby says simply and keeps walking along the stream. I follow eagerly, not wanting to be left behind. But I hear the noise again.

“Ebby, did you hear it that time?” I ask, my voice shaking as I grab hold of her hand.

“Yes, I did. Hello? Is anyone out there?” Ebby calls out, gripping my hand so I don’t run away.

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