Moonlight Pack information

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Our pack was brought together in times of war by Richard Moon and his mate Sunny Moon. Richard and his ancestors are able to be any animal and he gave his mate and, later on, beta the ability as well. The two traveled across the land and found a large island connected to the main land by a bridge of rock shrouded in mist. Here, my mother used powers to protect the island and, in doing so, made a safe haven for all shifters and wild animals.

After this was done they went back to their home and walked confidently to the middle of the battlefield and shifted into each animal and spoke to the waring shifters. The shifters agreed with their words of wisdom and put away their weapons and bowed in submission to the two. Richard and Sunny lead all shifter to the protected island and began construction

Years later construction finished and they had a child. They watched their child and the pack grow and expand in happiness and joy. Though their time in our world was cut short. Out swimming in the ocean as dolphins one night they forgot about an enemy that was in the depth of the ocean trenches when they put up the protective barior. In a moment they were closed in a mouth of teeth belonging to a prehistoric megalodon, never to see their home again.

~in honor of them, the pack was given its name~

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