Author's Note

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The earliest chapters of my story were entered into a writing contest last year, but they sadly proved to be unsuccessful.

The dear tale was sorely chastened and crept into a corner near as dark as the one pictured above. Its small heart ached and it grieved quite piteously, because you see, it had a most tender heart - far too easily bruised.

And then it fell asleep and from somewhere deep in dreamland, a belief was born that these stories of the 'Bizarre wee Beasties' deserved to be found - and not just by children. And like the saying in the picture above - 'it doesn't end here'. And the belief in a new set of brave beginnings was born.

Like all good dreams, this one began by dusting off the cobwebs; pumping itself back into top health and  entertainment levels; checking here and nipping some there; adding some (better) stuff  AND new, additional characters - and absolutely everywhere, polishing the whole story to its shiniest possible best at this point in time.

And then came a blight upon our beautiful world, causing great loss and harm and pain to the peoples of the world. In the enforced solitude, many rediscovered the many charms of reading - silently to oneself or aloud to others - especially children and the less able and the elderly - and... and... well, anyone at all, actually! Why ever limit yourself? I try not to.

And as for my -  BIZARRE WEE BEASTIES  -  come check them out in the pages that follow.

I am reworking each chapter and then posting them first on my own website -

ceedee moodling

then here on Wattpad,

and then maybe on my other writing platform, Tablo Publishing under my name, Christine Larsen.

Wherever you find them, they will all be free to read. I believe I've made them equally appealing to the reader and the listener, as all manner of subtle 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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