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Trust yourself first, because the heart never lies

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Trust yourself first, because the heart never lies.


Choose an internship plan for the last year, the last semester, and where you can chill. It turned out to be the most tiring thing of the year for 'Martin' even. because he still can't find an apprenticeship A young mechanical engineer in the last four semesters like him had to sit with his temples in his head every morning and evening.

His faculty gives students a lot of freedom. by giving them the right to choose independent courses Either semester one or semester two can be internship. The other semesters without an internship will be credit-bearing subjects as elective courses and not the core subjects of the Faculty. Therefore, the fourth year was the year that was given the most freedom. Refers to other students except him!

“What the heck, apply for training anywhere.” His tall figure stumbled from the Faculty of Engineering building. After discussing the details with an advisor to ask for help with finding an internship place, it seems hard to expect. Because he had previously refused help from a teacher. wishing well to entrust his students to internships at a brand of electrical appliance manufacturing company.

However, his arrogance in thinking that he could find a better internship made him ignore the help offered. And as a result, it was in the present that he had no place to train. No matter which company you want to go to, there will always be students who have already filled the quota of internships. Because children from various universities flocked to do internships until there was no room for slow-thinking people like him to stand.

Martin walked and sat at a marble table under the tree behind the faculty building before reaching out to his cell phone and typing out a message to report to his friends in the group chat. which everyone is very supportive of him Because the other three close friends in the group rushed to apply for an internship and didn't choose a place. So I have practiced as it should be. Leaving people with a lot of things and slow thinking like he sits lonely, having no place to go alone.

 Not a single member of the group hadn't responded when he murmured several sentences on the line. Martin let out a long, exhausted sigh. before remembering the last refuge

“The sacred thing that protects the baby elephant, if it exists, inspires the child to have an apprenticeship. Promise that I won't choose another job. Wherever I go, I'll do my best. Amen." His slender hands folded over his head. The sleeping eyelids as he chanted the forgotten prayer slowly rose. But instead, he meets the beautiful Nong Code sitting in front of him laughing. Not a nymph or a sacred object anywhere.

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