833 26 2

co-translator : zosik39
editor : Akasha-Cataleya



After completing the internship, I have been unemployed for a month now. I rarely go anywhere or do anything in one week there are two days of singing. The rest I follow the younger siblings to some clubs. go to my brothers's house Or have a meeting with the friends of my younger brother, when he is there. But not often, I've only met his friend twice. I remember that there was a name Dan Thai instead of Khun Night Man, but if you would ask me who has wich a personality , I don't really remember. That is, meet, then socialize and then return. His society is up to the next level. Everyone is not as approachable as my friend.

When I have a lot of free time, I keep thinking that and thinking here and there. I don't want to follow him all the time. During this time, Teacher P' Jom teaches children to practice in a circuit like a frenzied field. A circuit course is a field with curves. Nong Man is about to open the field officially soon. It shouldn't need until the end of this year. The Field is located in the suburbs, it’s really big and occupies an area of nearly a thousand hectares. Recently, he is very serious about practicing. It's not just a normal four-wheel racing car. There is also a Formula One motorbike too He took everything in that was a car.

I saw him working hard so I wanted to give him some time. He said he would make the most of this semester a break. As soon as the semester starts, there will be no time to do anything that he want to do. I'm fine with this. I am a Man who can take care of my wife to the fullest. Every day, he come back to eat delicious food. The fact that I'm not very good at cooking, don’t stop me to try making new menus. I keep on practicing. Recently, I finished making every cookies and cakes . The recipe is so sweet that diabetes asks for it to please my wife, he love to eat anything sweet.

old, old, old

I sat and tapped my finger at the dining table waiting for my wife to come home. Normally, he returned at 10 o'clock home. But today it's half past four and he hasn't returned yet. The phone is out of battery again and I can't contact him. Last night, my brother forgot to charge the battery, so today we didn't talk much, the battery was gone. By the way, I'm already worried.

From sitting still, I started to walk with worry. Staring at the door like a dog waiting for its owner. Alternate with spaghetti with creamy mushroom sauce that has been cooked. This is my favorite. In the morning, before leaving the house, we talked about what we wanted to eat. You ask me to cook you food and tell me you would hurry back. Then why didn’t you come back till now?


The phone rang so I hurriedly walked to the sofa to grab it. It was expected that the caller would be some friend, but it wasn't.

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