Extra : Rabbit Soup

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This is just a little side part that'll be Easter themed! (Hence the title and the late update)
I REALLY hope you guys like this, and I also hope you guys had a good Easter!
Happy Holidays, Stay Healthy and Hydrated,

Lot's of Love!!

P.s Oh, and you're also dating him in this ;)


"Here comes Peter Cottontail, my friends - I bring gifts!"

Wrench bounds in with a woven basket covered in colours and confetti. It's ironic seeing a guy like Wrench carrying a basket like that, seeing as he's the most emo guy around - though at this point, I'm not at all surprised.

"What are you talking about, Wrench?" Sitara asks, not even looking up from her phone.

"Do you not know what today is?" He replies.

"Uh... Sunday?"

"Ugh, you're lucky I'm scared of you or else I'd get mad," The man then proceeds to take himself and his basket towards me. I catch Sitara trying to restrain a small snort.

I quickly try to swivel around in my chair in a feeble attempt to avoid him, but he just yanks my chair back his way - He's not happy though, if his crossed arms and now-floppy bunny ears are anything to tell by.

"Oh, the love of my life. I didn't know you were in town," I chuckle with an uneasy smile.

"Hush you, take an egg or I'll put it in your shampoo tonight."

"You wouldn't dare," I glare.

"I would, and I'll do it to your conditioner as well if you say another word before taking an egg."

I roll my eyes but snatch an egg from his dumb basket. It was covered in pink dye and yellow spots. He even put a tiny rabbit sticker on it. Once I look up at him, he's basically beaming (Or, well, standing happily I guess).

"Weeeeeell? Do you like it?"

I look back down at the egg in my hand and back up to the adorable idiot.

"Yes," I sigh with a smile. "It's great. A true masterpiece, I have never seen something so beautiful, thankyou Wrench."

"Good, because I filled them with paint."

"Wrench," I begin, rubbing my face. "Why did you fill Easter eggs... with paint?"

"Well, I thought that me and you could go over to some dickhead called Frederique's house, egg him up - WHILE also spreading some nice holiday cheer. I picked pink, yellow, blue and mint green, which I think turned out nicely."

"Wha- What did this guy do to force you to make a BASKET full of paint eggs? There's at least five dozens in that thing!"

"He said that my mask makes me look like a drug addict and that a toaster would look better on me - RIGHT in front of, like, six hot Brazilian girls."

"That bastar- wait, Brazilian girls?"

"No time for that," Wrench says, pulling me from my chair. "We've got a million-dollar house to egg!" He declares, almost sprinting towards the exit of the hackerspace.

"No, wait - I would like to continue the discussion on the SIX Brazilian girls please-" I'm silenced with a chocolate egg.

"All that matters is I hate all those girls now and my heart that has been shattered into six individual pieces by six individual girls is all yours."

"Is it weird that that's probably the most romantic thing you've ever said to me?"

Wrench shakes his head, "I wouldn't be surprised if it was, babe."

We're just friends! (Wrench x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now