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   The moon's silver rays shone through the night sky of England. The countless stars accompanied it as they twinkled above the sleeping houses, being silver jewels embedded in a blanket of endless black.

   Below that blanket, A small, eery wind blew throughout the quiet town of Little Whinging.
Not a soul stood in the silent darkness.

   All, but one.

   In the roads of Privet Drive, the street lamps shone down on the concrete, only to have it's light meet a single cloaked figure.

    The thin, elder man clearly looked out of place, standing in the middle of the temporarily deserted Privet Drive. Was it because of his figure in the darkness? Maybe it was because of his clothes, or his unusual physical appearance. The long purple cloak reaching down to his boots, the pointy hat perched snuggly on top of his head. Old and Gentle, but lively eyes sparkling behind glasses, followed by a long gray hair and beard passing his waist.

    Albus dumbledore strolled through the street in silence, his feet carrying him gracefully. Stopping at a certain point, he looked at the gleaming lamps that were still following his movements with their light.

    Reaching into his cloak pocket, he took out what looked like a lighter. He held it towards the lamp, and clicked a button.
The lamp went out in an instant with a small 'swoosh'. Another click; another whoosh. Just like that, after over 10 clicks, All the lamps were soon dimmed, making the only light shining on the pavements was that of the moon.

    Putting the deluminator back into his cloak, Dumbledore seemed to stand in the spot for a few more seconds, until he heard a tiny 'meow' resonate from beside him.

    Turning his head, his eyes landed on a gray striped tabby perched besides him. It's eyes seemed to watch him as a small grin made its way to his face, tail twitching upwards.

     "I should have known you were here. Hello, professor Mcgonagall." Dumbledore chuckled softly as he watched the cat's shadow on the wall morph, changing into that of a person.

   The elder woman's appearance almost looked identical to his. She also had glasses, a wrinkled face, a pointy hat, and a robe. Only that of a green one, and Her eyes were narrow, her face looked strict.

   "Evening, professor Dumbledore." She spoke in a stern voice. Her heels clicked on the ground as she soon joined Dumbledore's leisure strides while continuing to speak.
"Albus..Are the rumors true?"

  "I'm afraid so, professor." Said Dumbledore. "The good...and the bad."

  "And the boy.. I heard that he has..a sister?."

  "Yes...Hagrid is bringing the twins." Dumbledore gave a nod, hands intertwining behind his back.

   Mcgonagall's strict face had furrowed worried eyebrows, soon looking up at albus. "Do you really think it's smart to trust him with something so significant as this?"

   Dumbledore's steps seemed to stop at that. Turning his head, He looked at The woman besides him.
"Ah, professor...", he smiles. "I would trust Hagrid with my life."

     Just as he said the words, a deep, resonant sound of wheels pierced the air. Turning their heads to look up at the sky, the two elders filled their vision with a bright blue light flying towards them. It was getting bigger as it approached them, soon it was close enough for them to see a motorbike in the air.

    After The bike landed in front of the pair, it was also visible to see a man on top of it. A huge man. He had a beard just like Dumbledore, a brown and bushy one. He soon turned the bike off and stood on the concrete, acknowledging the two with a smile.

   "Professor Dumbledore, sir! Professor mcgonagall!", he greeted them with a deep voice, eyes crinkling when he took off his goggles.

   "Were there any trouble bringing the twins?" Dumbledore questioned Hagrid, who was tall enough to have the elder crane his head to speak to him. His eyes soon trailed to something else that was in front of Hagrid's chest.

     "No sir. Lil' tykes fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol." The brown bearded man said as he walked over the two, carrying what they were looking for.

    In the giant's big arms were two bundles of blankets. They were wrapped with care and cuddlesome in Hagrid's warmth as he soon handed them to the two carefully.

    "Try not to wake them." He whispered between his breaths as he slowly gave one to Professor Mcgonagall, and one to professor Dumbledore.

   They gazed at the faces of two sleeping babies, one having a scar that looked like lightning on his forehead- while the other did not.

   Professor McGonagall took one wistful look at the infant girl in her arms, and started to walk to the house labeled number 4 with Dumbledore, Hagrid following close behind.

    "Albus.." she shot a whisper at the one who was carrying the boy while they proceeded to walk toward it's front door. "Do you really think it' these two with these people?"

    "I've watched them all day, they're the worst kind of muggles imaginable!" She exclaimed in a trembling voice when no response was heard, starting to grow a little more worried for the small girl in her arms and the boy who was being carried by the other. "They really are-"

   "-the only family he has." Dumbledore finally spoke, cutting through the woman's speech as he gazed down at the boy.
    "This boy will be famous.." Mcgonagall continued in her hushed voice. "There won't be a child in the world who doesn't know his name..!"

    "Exactly." Dumbledore said softly as they stood in front of the door. "He's far better off growing up from all of that, Minerva..". Hagrid sniffled behind them as he watched him bend down.

    Mcgonagall hugged the bundle closer to her, her lips slowly starting to tremble just a bit as she looked up at him with wide eyes, as she too, watched him set the baby down gently.

     "A-and..what about the girl??" She continued quietly,

    "Don't tell me you've forgotten about her. This girl won't be as famous as her brother, it's a high chance she will live beneath his shadow of fame. But that does not mean that she will be out of danger just as much as him-"

  "And whenever that danger comes," Dumbledore slowly turned his head to meet her worrisome eyes with his gentle, reassuring smile,
  "..He will protect her. Just like how he did that night."

     Her eyes slowly stinging with tears, Mcgonagall took a swift breathe through her nose when she clutched the bundle. As if she was afraid to let go of the fragile life in her arms, as if it will break as soon she does.

    Taking one last look at the baby girl's face, she slowly handed her to Dumbledore, and this time looked away as he set the bundle right next to the boy's.

    As he stood back up, he finally acknowledged the giant behind him, who was also weeping quietly into his beard. Both elders soon slid their attention to The teared-up man.

    "There, there, Hagrid. It's not really goodbye, after all." Dumbledore coaxed, making Hagrid nod and wipe his eyes, looking down at the two babies laying side-by-side on the welcome mat of Privet Drive 4.

     Slipping their own gazes back onto the two tiny sleeping faces also, Minerva Mcgonagall and Albus dumbledore gave them a soft look as the latter bent down again to place a letter on top of the bundles. The letter that Mr. and Mrs Dursley will soon read when they open the door the next morning to find two lifeforms placed soundly in front of their feet.

    "It's goodbye for now.." Dumbledore spoke softly as they all stared down at the two slightly moving packages.

    "Good luck..Harry and Elisa Potter."

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