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As I saw my crush at the park I ran to my mom and started to cry she comforted me with a smirk on her face I knew what she was going to do she whispers this is the last thing I'll do to punish you I stopped crying knowing my fate as my mom pushed me towards my crush he looked like he was crying too.
My crush's name was Mikey and he had the best most beautiful hair and blue eyes he was my age (12) it appeared that his parents were giveing him bad news I finally got over to him and his parents said to go and play with your friend he nervously said hey Martha what are you doing at a little kids park I asked the same question but he tried to stall with asking a nother question why are you dressed in baby clothes I asked him to come to the grassy end of the park as we did that my mom walked over to Mikey's perents they talked for a while when I said I'm on diaper punishment he was shocked and blushed as he said quitely he was soon to be on diaper punishment too we heard his parents laugh along with my mom I knew they were up to something and I felt like I needed to poop when I couldn't stop it burst into my diaper minutes later Mikey and I where playing on the playground when he asked if I just pooped I blushed and said yes he for some reason hugged me I felt like my dream came true at that moment I was in diapers my crush was hugging me but wait he was crying I was confused why was he crying I asked him and he said it was a dream come true for him too I was so happy my punishment from my mom became a blessing now my crush liked me too

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