16: Hawaii 3

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I wake up around 12 AM which is really early for me. I look around and see that Walker, Lev, and Jentzen are still asleep. What am I supposed to do now? I change into some normal clothes and decide to sit out on the porch. I sit at the steps of the porch when I see someone sitting in the sand alone. The person looks like Emily so I decide to walk over to them. "Hey Em" I say "Hey Sawyer" Emily replies and her eyes look swollen when she turns around. "Have you been crying?" I ask her "no" she says turning away. "Emi, what's happened?" I ask her "Dylan broke up with me" she says. Dylan was her long distance boyfriend. I hug her tight as she begins to cry.


I wake up in the sand with someone holding onto me. I start to panic but when I turn my head around it's just Sawyer. He opens his eyes and let's go of me. I smile and hop up, also offering my hand for Sawyer to grab. He grabs my hand and gets up and then he let's g o fo my hand. We walk back to the villa and Indi is in the kitchen cooking with Corinne. "Can I talk to you Sawyer?" Indi asks and Sawyer nods his head.


I need to tell Sawyer, that I want to be just friends. What better time then now. "I want to be friends" I say "are we not friends?" Sawyer asks "that's not what I meant. I meant, I only want to be friends, I don't have a crush on you anymore" I announce and Sawyer nods his head "I think we've been just friends for a while" he says. We both hug each other and walk out of the door.


"Breckfast is ready!" Indi shouts. I watch as Gavin and Stefan rush out of the door to get first pick of pancakes. "Aidan, hurry up or your gonna be stuck with cereal!" Corinne shouts and I rush into the kitchen. Clementine ends up being the last one to come down the stairs and gets stuck with cereal. "We have a photoshoot at 4pm" Emily reminds everyone and we all nod our heads. "Who wants to go cliff jumping?" Walker asks and I see Sophie give him a terrified look.


"I'm in" Jentzen says responding to Walker's question and I shake my head. "Are you kidding?" I ask "what?" Lev asks "does nobody know what happened to Jentzen last time he went cliff jumping?" I ask "that was 3 years ago" Jentzen says. "You called me from the hospital saying you thought you might die!" I shout and everyone gets concerned by me raising my voice. "I just don't want you or anyone else to get hurt" I say trying to sound more calm then I was. In the end Jentzen and all the boys ended up going cliff jumping and I ended up watching them with a terrified look plastered on my face the whole time. When non of them got injured I let out a sigh of releif and then we all agreed to get some food. When we finished lunch we headed to the location of the photoshoot that we were having. We spent about two hours at the photoshoot before going to dinner. We got dinner from a hotel restaurant nearby. We all ate quickly because there were other people waiting to be seated, and we were taking up like 5 or 6 tables. The rest of the night we spent packing because we leave at 8pm tomorrow.

The Next Day


I wake up, get dressed, and walk out of my room. I look around and see the villa almost empty. I look at the time and see that it's 7AM menaing that we only have 13 hours left here. We had no big plans today, I think we're all just going to hang out at the beach and some people might vlog a bit. Stefan walks out with his vlog camera and starts to film me. "This is tired Mariam incase y'all didn't know" Stefan says and I laugh and block my face. Alot of people ship us together and I know that wont stop soon. I just wish people would understand that a boy and a girl can be friends and not like eachother. I smile at the camera again and then get up to make some food. I decide on making avocado toast because I know that the whole squad loves avocado toast. Soon the whole squad is awake and half of them look like they haven't had coffee in days. Then again we haven't had any caffeine in two days. "We need coffee" Piper says "let me see where we can get coffee here" Sophie says. "Theres a cafe nearby" Jentzen says looking over Sophie's shoulder at her phone. "Yeah, let's go there" she says. We all look at her phone and agree to get coffee from the cafe after breakfast. "Breakfast is done" I say and everyone rushes over to grab food. I smile as everyone seems to like the avocado toast even though it's not that hard to make. Alot of the people in the house are really picky so it's really good when you find something they all like. We call a few uber's and then head to the cafe. Sophie and Corinne go in to order the coffees and Stefan was in the restroom while everyone else waits outside. They walk back outside with the coffees and Corinne bumps into someone. Her coffee spills all over them "ph my gosh I'm so sorry" Corinne says and then she looks at the person and shouts "oh my gosh Sarah!" Corinne shouts and hugs her. Gavin looks up and runs towards them "Corinne, Gavin!" The blonde girl who im assuming is named Sarah shouts back. "Oh my gosh, you need to see Stefan" Corinne says excitedly. Stefan walks out of the cafe a few seconds later "Benzie boy!" Sarah shouts and hugs Stefan "Sarag!" Aidan shouts going to hug her. "What's going on?" I ask and they all turn around "she's one of our oldest friends" Corinne says. "She moved here a few years back" Stefan explains "I'm moving back to LA soon" Sarah says "you need to move into the hype house then" Aidan suggest and everyone nods their heads even though half of us didn't know her. I see Stefan blushing a bit now. That's a good thing because I have a crush on Avi, a close friend of mine who lives in Australia. Now we can both be happy and people will hopefully stop shipping us together.

Skip to the flight back

All of the hype house walks into the airport. We say goodbye to Sarah ebacsye she wont be moving in for a few months. We go through security as usual and then we order more coffee, because let's face it we're all addicted to it. "Flight 297 gate 35 will be boarding in 10 minutes" someone announce over the intercom and we all rush over to our gate. This trip to Hawaii was amazing, I don't want to ever forget it. I hope I never do, because this trip has brought so many me memories that I will cherish. We didn't vlog much, but I think that's a good thing. Now there's more memories that we can just keep to ourselves. Now we have to go back to LA. Just in time for Christmas in 3 days. Coco rushes up to me interrupting my thoughts. "I need to tell you something" she says "my mom just told me that my grandma's really sick, I can only stay at the house for 5 more weeks before I need to move closer to them" she explains. "Please don't tell anyone" she adds "I promise" I reply and she hugs me. A big secret to keep, but if she wants me to keep it then I need to respect her choice. Things are about to change alot for this house. But I know we can all stick together. Right?

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