3 "children"

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stop time and everything.

Aaron said he wants to spend the rest of his life with me and i dont know how to react. i want to cherish this moment, keep it in a box locked away forever so nothing can ruin it and it stays perfect forever. I count.







So this isnt a dream, Aarons still here, holiding me, waiting for an answer. I've taken too long to respond and his brows furrow, afriad he's been too forward. I put my hand on his cheek and smile and kiss him lightly and say softly "I'm going to spend forever with you," and he holds me tighter and smiles. His dimples show and all of a sudden it gives me courage to ask "Do you want children with me in the future?"

He stiffens. I didn't expect that response. "Love, there used to be a phrase 'the apple doesn't fall far from the tree',do you know what it means?" he smiles softly but it doesn't reach his eyes. I'm confused what this has to do with the question i asked and he senses it and carries on to explain. "Well it means that a child is just like their parent and as wonderful as a child would be if they were anything like you, they would also have my genes and I'm afraid love that I would ruin our little baby."

He sighs and nuzzles his head into my hair, "I'm not  exactly a good person, and my greatest fear is that I'll be just like my father and i couldn't do that to an innocent child." Aarons voice becomes quiet as his sentence finishes and i can't help but feel helpless. I lift his head up so i can see him clearly "Aaron that's ridiculous! You're nothing like your father, you're kind and passionate and smart and you're so selfless. And i couldn't wish for a better father to raise my child," my voice trembles with emotion, i want him to feel that I'm telling the truth. "It's a complicated question with a lot of complicated emotions behind it but despite my fears, I would love to have children with  you." He smiles and i swear i could die happy right now in this moment. 

"I love you." 

"I love you more." 

"I love you most." He smiles and kisses me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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