Up to My Knees

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Up to my knees in sea water

Feet sinking in the sand

Watching my girls play at the water’s edge

With shovels and pails

Ocean breezes carry

Bits and pieces of their laughter and singing

I hear my son’s adolescent delight

From beyond the sandbar

Between the breaking waves

Where the water is deep

My two year old hesitates

Not quite trusting the water

That laps at her feet

Then recedes again

Her older sister cannot wait for the waves

To reach her open pail

Running at them impatiently

Water splashing her face

I am close enough

In case they need me

Looking out onto the horizon

Where the water meets the sky

Drawing my focus in closer

To where the waves break

I see my son

Old enough to venture out to his chest

Riding the surf

Feeling the full force of the waves

I am not too far

In case he needs me

Half way in

Half way out

Up to my knees in sea water

Feet covered in sand and shells

Not moving in or out

Against the grain of the continuously moving waters

Right in the middle

Where they need me

Between ebbing waters of the eroding shoreline

And the turbulence of the open ocean

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