Guess whos back ~ next chapter

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With all of this Coronavirus stuff happening, I literally have nothing to do so decided to write again. I hope everyone's okay. Stay safe peoples. Sorry if I make any mistakes when it comes to characters and that, I haven't read my story in a while so...😅

"Next is...Gilbert."

Said ex-nation tensed in his seat and his younger brother eyes him cautiously.

France did a one over of the entry and paled dramatically. Tears began to gather at the corner of his eyes and he looked up at Gilbert, horror etched onto his face.

The other nations weren't sure how to respond to this bewildering change so Scotland decided to take charge of the situation. He rose quietly from his chair and approached France, placing one hand on the nations shoulder.

"Sit down, I'll take care of it," he guided the other to his chair and returned to the front, book in hand. Arthur walked cautiously towards Francis, unsure of what was wrong. He perched on the arm of the chair, winding his a around Francis.

"Okay," Scotland began in an attempt to regain the attention of the other nations, "This is, as previously mentioned, an entry about Gilbert."

Gilbert was a victim of the Holocaust due to his albinism

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Gilbert was a victim of the Holocaust due to his albinism. He remembers the screams. He remembers the tears. He remembers all of the death. And he remembers the pain. He still has flash backs about it in his nightmares. He is, after all, the personification of the Holocaust.

Silence fell over the room and no one dared speak. All nations knew the tragedy that was the Holocaust, many experienced parts of it secondhand through their citizens. No one (except for Gilbert) had experienced it first hand. The nations that used to form the Allied Powers paled dramatically, as did all of Gilbert's close friends and family.

"B-but," Germany stuttered, his face twisted in horror. He swallowed deeply and tried to compose himself before he started again. " You said you were okay, that you were on the front lines fighting. I mean, I thought it was strange that I could never see you but...I didn't imagine...", Ludwig, uncharacteristically broke into silent sobs, his hand covering his mouth in an attempt to disguise the sound.

Most of the other nations remained glued to their seats, a haunted look in their eyes. The new world twins and England glanced towards each other before standing up.

America took a deep breath before addressing the others, "Guys, we should give them some space. We'll take a 30 minute break, everyone should get something to eat and something to drink. Then we'll come back in here and discuss this." Despite all that had happened, many nations were shocked at the maturity and rationality that America displayed.

"I agree, we'll finish after we have the group discussion. Everyone's had a bit of a shock today", England agreed, his parental instincts kicking in.

Slowly, the seated nation stood and made their way to the door. Canada left last, glancing back to look at Gilbert in a silent show of support before following his brother out.

Gilbert stood shakily and made his way towards Ludwig. He could tell that his little brother was in pain and blaming himself, he always did.

Gilbert pulled out his brothers chair to make room for him to kneel in front of him. He removed his brothers hands from his face and looked Ludwig in the eyes.

"I know that your blaming yourself for what happened but you have to understand that there's no way you could've known. They forced me to write letters to you, telling you I was okay and fighting on the front lines." Gilbert explained while trying his best to ignore the pain he felt while remembering those wretched days. He began to tear up.

"B-but I should've known. The inconsistencies, the wobble in your writing. You never sounded like yourself in those damn letters. You're my brother - I - I just should've KNOWN! It was MY fault. He was MY leader. The pain and suffering it" Ludwig cut himself off, choking on his tears, tears he felt he didn't deserve to shed. "And then they dissolved you! WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME!?"

Gilbert noticed his brothers laboured breathing and, knowing he had to calm him down soon, began to argue with him.

"There was no way you could've known, remember that. They made sure of it. They told you specific places, facts only id know, facts they forced out of me. You were different, your leader had corrupted you but it was NOT your fault. So many countries have been corrupted over the years," tears began to fall down Gilbert's face too as he hugged his brother.

"Your leader was a terrible man but too many people in your country agreed with him, you had no control. I didn't tell you because I thought that by doing so I was protecting you!" He ended with a sob before trying once again to compose himself.

"I knew that if I told you, you'd ensure it was you rather than me who was dissolved. I couldn't allow that to happen. Your my little brother, I raised you. I couldn't watch as they killed you, I knew that I would be able to survive it but no you. You were so young." Gilbert stressed the last word as he continued crying.

The brothers looked at each other and resumed hugging as their tears streamed down their faces. Gilbert due to the pain he remembers during that time and Ludwig due to the lack of pain he remembers.

"I'm sorry", Ludwig mumbled unto his brothers shoulder after he began to calm down.

"You have nothing to apologise for. I will never forget the pain, the suffering and the screams of the innocent that died but I never blamed you. I always blamed that man."

"Brother. The reason your still alive - is it - is it because you represent the Holocaust?" Ludwig asked, choosing his words carefully.

"It was, back then. There's another reason now but I'm sure the book will reveal it later," Gilbert replied, chuckling at the end.

Ludwig hummed in annoyance but remained in his brother firm embrace.

"Go get yourself some food and water Ludwig, you need to rehydrate," Gilbert demanded brotherly.

Ludwig detangled himself and began to leave before turning to face his brother, "don't you need for and water too?"

"Don't worry about me, I'll text someone to bring me some food later".

His brother looked at him, concerned, before leaving to go get food. Already planning what to bring back for his brother, he ain't stupid!😑

~I feel like I need a line but there's no time skip?!~

As Ludwig opened the door to the kitchen (which also had a dining table), all eyes turned to him. The room was silent and had been since before the had entered. Everyone soon looked away.

A country that Ludwig knew the name of all too well left the room just before Italy came bounding towards Ludwig. Veneziano wrapped his arms around Ludwig and yet made no sound, offering silent support to his best friend.

Veneziano the moves away to allow Ludwig to get food and water before sitting down beside him at the table.

God I didn't think I'd write that much. I'll for sure be updating soon because I have PLANS for this book and NO PLANS for my social life, yay..!

But who went to see Gilbert before the break ended?!?!?!
Comment what you think...

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