cp12: Honeymoon pt1

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You can ask them how but week later Jungkook and Taehyung found themselves In Thailand, In a very luxurious cottage. For the first time the atmosphere was very awkward. Why? 

Because  the week behind them was very confusing for both of them. 

Tae- This is so pretty

Taehyung said in awe 

Jungkook- Indeed 

Jungkook said but the thing is he was looking at Taehyung. 

Tae- Okay I'll take the couch and you are at the bed

Jungkook- Hell to the no....You are on the bed and tha...

But he was cut of by Taehyung who put a finger over Jungkook's lips 

Tae- Jeon I said what I said and that is final.....

Jungkook found himself nodding. He was quite surprised about how Taehyung could easily control him without even trying. 

Tae- Good 

Jungkook- You are so selfless Tae, that's not good. People could take advantage of that. 

Taehyung looked at him 

Tae- But you will not do that right? 

Jungkook- Of course not. I could never

Taehyung smiled at that 

Tae- Thank you.....

Later that night 

Jungkook was on the phone with Jimin while Taehyung was panicking. How could he sleep on the couch when he has a habit of hugging something when he sleeps and he forgot to bring his fav teddy with him and the pillow is not helping at ALL. 

Tae- Damn it Taehyung.....

He said frustrated 

Jungkook glanced at him 

Jungkook- Gotta go baby...

He said to Jimin and hung up 

He went to Taehyung 

Jungkook- Tae is everything fine? 

Taehyung looked at him and started biting his lower lip....he hesistated a bit but nodded afterwards 

Jungkook caught himslef looking at Taehyung's lips for way to long 

' They look so kissable ' He thought and licked his own lips. 

While at the other hand Taehyung noticed Jungkook's action and couldn't help but to blush at this. Jungkook looked way to hot right now. 

' Taehyung this is wrong ' He thought 

Tae- I'm hungry 

He said 

Jungkook- Me too 

Jungkook said in husky voice still looking at Taehyung's lips 

' God have mercy on me ' Taehyung thought and run to the barthroom 

After hearing the door closing Jungkook sighed 

Jungkook- What is happening to me damn it. We are friends and he is my boyfriend's best friend. Jungkook stop!!

He scolded himself and went to the kitchen 

After a few minutes Taehyung decided to join Jungkook, not to make things more awkward 

The one for me ( Vkook/Taekook ff ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now