Chapter 4

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Dani and Malcolm sat on the couch at Malcolm's place, they had spent the morning together just relaxing and enjoying Dani's day off together. "Maybe we should go out somewhere, do something other than sit on my couch." Malcolm said as he took Dani's hand and intertwined his fingers with hers. "What if we went mini golfing," Dani suggested as she looked at Malcolm with a smile, "I have a strong feeling you've never gone mini golfing before." Malcolm chuckled and shook his head, "Mini golfing is not something that my family ever did. But, I think I would love to give it a try with you." He said smiling and kissing Dani's hand. Dani smiled and stood up, "Okay, let's go mini golfing then." She said as she pulled Malcolm into a standing position and walked over to Malcolm's kitchen counter where her jacket was sitting. Malcolm chuckled and walked to the door, holding it open for Dani and locking the door behind him as he followed her out the door. When they got outside, Dani and Malcolm got into Dani's car and she drove to the nearest mini golf location. When they got to the mini golf course, Dani and Malcolm walked into the building and Dani paid for a game of mini golf. "Okay Malcolm, mini golf is pretty simple," Dani said as she grabbed a scorecard, pencil, two golf putters and two golf balls, "we'll take turns hitting our golf balls through each stage and the goal is to get the ball into the hole with the least amount of hits." She explained as she handed Malcolm one of the golf balls and putters. Malcolm nodded, that sounded pretty simple, he was sure he could get a hole in one at each hole with how simple that sounded. "That sounds super easy, we'll get through this in no time." Malcolm said as they walked up to the first hole and Dani placed her golf ball down. Dani chuckled as she swung her putter, she thought it was amusing how confident Malcolm was that he could quickly get through all nine holes of the course especially when he's never gone mini golfing before. "I'll be keeping track of how many hits it takes for you to get the golf ball in the hole," Dani said as she hit the ball, "and remember, not all the holes are as easy as this one." She added after getting a hole in one and marking it on the scorecard and grabbing her ball so that Malcolm could take his turn. Malcolm also got a hole in one on the first hole and after Dani marked it on the scorecard and he retrieved his ball, they moved on to hole two. About a half hour later, Dani and Malcolm sat on a bench by the ninth hole as Dani totaled up their scores. "Well Malcolm, that was a good game, especially for your first time playing, but I did beat you because lowest score wins and I had the lowest score." Dani said as she showed Malcolm the scorecard. Malcolm looked at the scorecard and sighed, "Well it is only my first time mini golfing so I shouldn't have expected to be good," He admitted as he looked at Dani, "though I think that since you won, I should treat you to ice cream." Dani chuckled as she looked at the time, "I've got a better idea than ice cream," She said with  a smirk as she looked over at Malcolm, "we could go to Amsterdam Billiards & Bar, crash JT and Tally's date night which will be starting soon." She suggested as she got up off the bench. Malcolm chuckled as he got up off the bench, "sounds like the perfect plan. First mini golf, now pool with JT and Tally, I'd say that makes a pretty great date night. For us at least." He said as they walked to Dani's car.

When Dani and Malcolm walked into Amsterdam Billiards & Bar, JT was the first to see them. "Oh, I see how it is. Let's crash JT and Tally's date night just because we can?" JT said as he hugged Dani. "Yep, that's exactly what our plan was. That and I thought this would cheer Malcolm up after I beat him in mini golf a little while ago." Dani said as Malcolm rolled his eyes before joining Tally in grabbing beers for the four of them. "So you took Bright mini golfing, beat him and then decided to crash mine and Tally's date night so I could beat him at pool?" JT asked after Tally and Malcolm had gone over to the bar. "No, I brought him here so that we could crash date night and so I can teach him how to play pool." Dani said smacking JT on the arm as Malcolm and Tally walked over to Dani and JT. "What did JT do know?" Tally asked as she handed Dani one of the beers she was carrying. "I didn't do anything. I just asked Dani if her plan was to bring Malcolm here to lose against me in pool," JT said as Malcolm handed him the other beer he had been carrying, "you're lucky though Bright, Dani brought you here to teach you how to play pool, while also crashing my date night with my wife." Tally chuckled and shook her head at JT's comment, "They can crash our date night whenever they'd like. Especially since after tonight I think Malcolm will be able to beat you at pool and I think that would be hilarious." She said with a smile. Dani set up a pool table for her and Malcolm to use next to the pool table that JT and Tally were going to use. After setting up the pool table, Dani placed her beer on the corner of the pool table and grabbed a pool cue that she and Malcolm would share. "Okay Malcolm, put your beer down and come here so I can teach you how to properly play pool." Dani said as Malcolm walked over to her. Malcolm put his beer on the corner opposite where Dani had placed hers. "Okay, I'm ready to learn to play pool." He said as Dani handed him the pool cue. Dani stood behind Malcolm, guiding him through the steps to hitting the pool ball with the pool cue properly. After a few times of Dani walking Malcolm through how to play pool, Dani and Malcolm joined JT and Tally for a few rounds of a friendly game of pool. 

"Let's keep in mind that if we had been playing for money, I won two out of three of those rounds and Malcolm only won the third round because Dani cheated." JT said when they finished playing pool and were getting ready to leave. "I did not cheat, Malcolm won that last round fair and square. You're just upset that we weren't playing for money because Malcolm would have had to pay you for winning those two rounds you won," Dani said as the four of them walked out the door together, "that was fun, maybe next time we should mini golf together now that Malcolm knows how to mini golf." She suggested as she and Malcolm walked with JT and Tally to their car. After they said their goodbyes, Dani and Malcolm headed to Dani's car and then went back to Malcolm's.

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