The Wolf Flu

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I wake up for the 7th time tonight and look at the time '3:26'. Ugh. I sigh and make my way to Peyton whose wailing his little lungs out. I'm not sure what's wrong with him. He's been sleeping through the night since he was 10 months.

I pick him up and in my heart and in my head I know something's wrong. I touch his little head and he's burning. I pick up his diaper bag and my phoneI have to take him to the doctors. I through my jeans on and knock on grams door.

"Grams I thinks something wrong with Peyton." I cry.

I don't know what it could be, he's had all his shots and I always sanitize his stuff. After a few minutes Grams is ready to go. She says we should got to the Pack doctor instead of the human doctor because it's quicker.

Ten long minutes later we make it to the doctor. The nurse behind the counter tells us to wait so she can get the doctor. It had to be the longest minutes of my life. I pray to the moon goddess that my babies fine. A friendly looking blond in her mid thirties takes us to a room.

"Hi I'm Doctor Brooke Morgan. What's the problem?" She asks sweetly.

"Well Peyton hasn't been sleeping well and I felt his forehead and it was pretty hot."

"Is he human and witch?"

I shake my head no "He's half wolf half which."

"Ahh rare breed they are. Okay well I'm just going to run a few test and he should be fine." I nod my head 'okay' as I continue to bounce Peyton in my arms.

I whisper sweet nothings in his ear as he cries from the needle and when she checks his temperature. My heartaches to hear my baby cry out in pain.

Doctor Brooke Morgan comes back with a clip board in her hand.

"Okay it's just as I suspected he's going to be perfectly fine. He has Canis Lupus Influenza."

I cock my head to the side like a confused dog.

Dr.Morgan laughs and explains more. "Wolf Flu."

"Wolf flu? But he's only part wolf."

"He maybe more wolf than you know. Most half breeds only have the senses of wolf but can not shift." I nod my head making a note to look into this some more.

She gives us a prescription for some time of medicine but Grams says she has natural remedies. Before we leave I change Peyton's diaper and thank the doctor for her help.

Finally we make it back home and Grams goes down to the basement to fix something up. She comes up almost 30 minutes later with a warm bottle filled with green and blue stuff.

I give it to Peyton and to my surprise he drinks it right up. Grams says there's a few more bottles down there in fridge then goes back to sleep.

I stay in the la-z-boy recliner and hold Peyton. I marvel at his preciousness. His soft face and little hands wrapped in his blanket. I fall asleep reminiscing on when he was first born.

I wake with my alarm going off at 7. I go to put Peyton in his crib and start go to put some coffee on for both me and Grams. I get a call from the Alpha.

I haven't spoke to him since the whole 'your my mate thing.' last week. I stare at the phone for a minute before answering it.

"Hello Alpha." I say trying not to sound like I've only gotten about four hours of sleep.

"You sound terrible." he states in a nasally voice before coughing.

"I could say the same to you. Looks like someone has the case of Canis Lupus Influenza."

"That's actually what I'm calling about. School's canceled because every wolf in a ten mile radius is sick." he coughs again.

"Peyton is to." I yawn.

"Is he okay?" As if on que Peyton starts wailing his little heart out.

"He's a little... restless but he's fine. I gotta go I'll stop by later okay."

"No." he states as I hang up. Im so going over there later.

I go get Peyton and feed him another warm bottle then sit right back down in my previous position. Peyton rubs his head sleepily as he uses his other little hand to hold the bottle. Freaking adorable.

"I love you baby boy more than anything in the world."

I haven't updated in like a century for that I am terribly sorry. Part two of this chapter will be uploaded shortly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2016 ⏰

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