Chapter 7

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Gabe pulled in to a stop so he could stretch his leg after driving for 12 hours, with

no one else up he did some scouting and restocked the supplies.That was before he noticed

some thang off, where were all the zombies. Gabe had though they were more in the

new state they where in when some ones rough voice said "welcome to Georgia you bone

headed little boy" and he rushed before he got to Gabe some one yelled and he stopped some

what in front of Gabe, Gabe slowly pulled out his knifes realizing what was on his atackers back, two

golden longsword's Gabe looked to see who had made the noise Trenton was standing holding

his bat. Gabe yelled "don't get in this fight trent i got this" thats when the man rushed again gabe

thrusted his knifes into his attackers feet why Gabe got stabbed thou the chest Gabe didn't care

his openet was at his feet so he pulled out the golden sword looking at the design he stabbed it in

to the ground in a flash of blue light a mark appeared on he swords mans hand that slowly faded

with the swords after they were gone a blue mark appeared on Gabe's own hand only to end

with Gabe's own wounds closing. Gabe turned around and started to

the car.

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