coming out

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I know it's hard to come out and its different for everyone.  But here are some tips you could use to help you come out

1. before you come out to anyone else, you need to come out to yourself and accept what you are. It's hard to get acceptance from other people if you don't accept your self first. This might be by just saying it out loud to yourself and going over it in your head.

2.  Have a folder ready that is full of useful information and websites on where they can get information on your sexuality  and/or gender and what you are going through. This will help them understand you better  and will maket it so they more than likely accept you.

3. Remember that most people don't understand what LGBTQ+ is about and what it's like to be part of it. So they don't accept it because they are scared of change, scared of things they can't control, scared of things they don't know and  because of how they were raised. You need to understand this when coming out to them. This is where tip 2 will help..

4. If you are coming out to your family about not being the gender you was born with, you need to understand that this means the family is losing their daughter/sister/granddaughter/niece or son/brother/grandsom/nethew. Which is really hard to understand. They might not accept you straight away because they don't want to lose that. You need to have patience with them and you need to make them understand  that they might be losing one thing but they are gaining another.

I didn't know or follow theses tips when I came out and that's why my family doesn't fully accept me.  Please try and follow theses tips they will help.

Heres how I came out:

I told my mum amd dad at different times because my dad isn't keen on LGBTQ+.
I told my mum that i was dating one of my trans friends and she just said alright and she told dad who i was dating but they both throught i was bi because i was dating a Trans FTM.

I was watching something on the TV with my mum later that day. Something on the TV mentioned  panromanic and I said thats sounds like me.  

I later told my dad that im not into just girls and that im pan a couple weeks later. my dad now calls me a paneurapian now which is a motorbike.

So that's how I came out as pan. Only my friens understand and accept me fully as panromanic..

My dad always makes comments about me having sex with my best friend who use to be a boy.
So i just turned around and said "dad im asexual. I don't do those things" then walked off.

My parents, mainly my mum, keep saying that I will become sexual as soon as I find the right person and will give them grandchildren. Which isn't true.

non-binary/gender neutral
I came out to my friends first.

I was explaining to them that i don't feel like a girl fully and i don't feel fully trans.

Bella (trans MTF) helped me searched up what i am and I realized I am gender neutral.

I told my parents by just saying when they call me miss or a girl "im not a girl im gender neutral".

They still don't understand it and still don't use it though.

My parents refuse to call me my preferred name or use my preferred pronouns as they "can't be used in a singular way and aren't proper pronouns".  My friends Bella, Aimee and Lukas are the only ones who call my perfured name but they don't use the correct pronouns as they don't understand them.

The person I was dating at the time I came out, Zac, didn't/doesn't accept me for being gender neutral and refuses to use my preferred name/pronouns. He says  it doesn't matter because I'm gender neutral and I can be called both with out having dysphoria attacks. Which isn't true there just not bad.   You would think someone who is trans would understand what it's like to change gender but he doesn't accept me.

(Feel free to comment your coming out story or ask for advice)

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