Chapter 4

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"Sophie. Sophia. Sophie. Sophie. Sophia."


"I'm hungry."

I turn and give Fabion an annoyed look.

"You know where the kitchens are. Where's your brother?"

Fabion groans dramatically.

"He's on a date. He left me for a girl," Fabion groans.

"I'm starting to wish people would ask me on a date," I mumble. Anything to get away from Fab's awful whining.

"Are you kidding me?" Alice asks. I look over at her in confusion. "Every boy in school has a crush on you!"

"As if. I'm not Marlene," I scoff.

"She's not joking," Marlene mutters.

"Evan Rosier asked you on a date yesterday!" Lily exclaims. James chokes on his water.

"Is that what that was?" I ask. Evan came up to me and said 'Astronomy tower'. I honestly thought he was on drugs or something.

"Yeah. He invited you to the Astronomy tower," Alice says. James coughs harder.

"Huh. I think you guys are imagining things. See you later," I say, picking up my book and heading to the dorms.

"We should do Avengers trivia. Teams of two," Alice suggests, later that day when we're all in the common room.

"Yes!" I cheer. My family does this sometimes. I always win.

"Okay Lily and Marlene. Fabion and Peter. Alice and Sirius. James and Sophie. I'll keep score and ask the questions," Remus says. James makes a face but doesn't argue. I give Lily a questioning look and she shrugs. So she didn't tell him. Maybe Remus just noticed the weird looks.

"We'll starts easy. Here are your buzzers. Where is Stark Tower?" Remus asks. I slap the buzzer.

"New York," James and I say in unison. We're both die hard fans. Fight me.

"Correct. Which movies were Tom Holland in?" I slap the buzzer again.

"Captain America: Civil War, Spiderman: Homecoming and Avengers: Infinity War," James and I say.

Remus asks eighteen more question and James and I give up a few points. In the end, Fabion and Peter have one point, Sirius and Alice have three, Lily and Marlene have two, and James and I have twelve.

"James and Sophie win by a landslide," Remus says. James an I jump up and highfive each other.

"Yes! Reigning champs!" we exclaim.

"We've only played once," Sirius grumbles.

"You're just a sore loser," I tease. Sirius sticks his tongue out at me and I return the gesture. James laughs and we grin at each other before remembering our rivalry and glaring slightly. We sit on opposite ends of the couch and I sigh heavily in my mind.

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