Chapter 2

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My eyes slowly creaked open, my brain foggy as my eyes locked with the man in the trench coat. He was in my face, a bright smile on his face showing off perfect white teeth, his dark eyes were full of excitement as he stroked the corner of my lip. "Perfect," He enthused, a hunger lusting through his black, black eyes. "The Lords will be pleased with me,""Wh-""Shh," He stopped me with a rough finger against my lip. "No talking."My body jumped to command him, sealing my mouth shut. A heavy fog filled my brain and although I commanded myself to open my mouth, I physically couldn't. Well done, Eva! One moment of complete insanity, and here you are, kidnapped by a probable murderous psychopath!My eyes darted as the man in the trench coat left my line of vision and I found myself in a stone walled corridor. I could see five other women in the corridor, all of them beautiful, standing still with their mouths shut. But all of them had the same expression. Fear. Arie was probably standing on my doorstep about now, probably worried. My heart thumped as I wished I could see his face one more time, hear his chuckle and feel his soft lips as they trailed kisses around my throat. I swallowed hard, regret filling me of all my missed opportunities that I had deliberately sabotaged.The black double doors slammed open and a stunning woman with long blonde hair sweetly called, "The Lords will see your offers now."And with that, the women were hauled through the door, myself bringing up the rear. Offers? What offers? I'd lost my purse when I passed out - not that there would be much money in there to offer "the lords". What a way to be robbed - and probably murdered. As I shuffled behind, my bare feet throbbing on the cold marble, I noted that my sequined gold dress had ripped up the side and my heart squeezed. Katie had bought me this on my birthday! She would kill me!The first thing I spotted was the mass of people in the bright white marble room. Everyone was dressed in a formal attire - the men in black tie suits, and the women in glittering ballgowns of every colour. Some of the men and women looking dishevelled, standing stock still with the exact same feared expression as the ones I'd seen on the women's faces before. A huge crystal chandelier hung in the centre of the room, I noticed as I walked through the crowd. I noticed the crowd began parting and then my eyes fell on three black throne chairs. Two stunning women sat upon the end thrones, while five men in tuxedos stood off to the right. The middle throne was empty.It wasn't until I got a good look at the men that my heart began racing. All of the men were equally as handsome, each radiating power and respect.One of the lords eyes connected with mine as I brought up the rear of the line and his plump lips turned up into a small smile, his tongue darting out to lick his lower lip. His deep mahogany hair highlighted his bright green eyes making them appear lighter. The heat of his gaze left mine and scanned the rest of the women lined up next to me. With that, he stepped forward from the other men and opened his arms out as if to welcome us, his black suit and bow tie absolutely perfect, highlighting his tall frame"Ah Rocco, my old friend." The man boomed in welcome and suddenly trench coat was no longer by my side but walking to embrace the man. "Welcome home.""Luca, I hope I have succeeded in this very special task you have bestowed upon me." The man in the trench coat, now named Rocco, grinned, embracing the man, his voice filled with hope and potentially... worry.Worry that he may have failed."I fear I am spoiled for choice," The green eyed god named Luca enthused, his eyes roaming towards the line again as the men parted. "Welcome guests," The sex God Luca opened his arms again in welcome. The crowd of people clapped their hands at his acknowledgement - all apart from the two women sitting in the throne-like chairs whom sat stone-faced, golden crowns placed gracefully atop of their heads. "As all of you know, tonight is the night of the Blood Moon. And since our King cannot be with us this eve, I will lead this special night in his name! And tonight we have gathered together to select the vessels that will allow us to thrive as a community." His voice ricocheted around the room, his eyes everywhere, daring anyone to challenge him. "This eve, your High Lords will be apart of the chosen! Five of the council of ten has been chosen. Though some of our lords already have Brides, they will still be given the opportunity to choose from these lovely vessels. These vessels will potentially carry your future leaders!"Dead silence filled the room, not even a breath could be heard. Then suddenly the crowd roared with approval. Luca shot his hand out for silence and the crowd obeyed. "However, as I am your named prince, I will choose first."The crowd really did love him as they broke in to thunderous roars and cheers. My mind went numb as his words sank in. Surely, this cult was not planning on raping these women and making them pregnant?No, I whispered to myself. Please, God, no. Luca's voice drifted through the crowd, "I thank you all for joining me in this celebration. I will now leave you all to enjoy your own evenings on this wondrous night! With the blessing of the moon, I hope this eve will give us all fruition."And with that the crowd began departing voicing commands to the dishevelled people next to them as they hurried them out of the great hall. Quickly, the room mostly emptied, and all that was left was the line of women along with the two beautiful goddesses sitting on the thrones, the lords, Rocco and a few others who'd waited to watch the chosen. From the corner of my mind, I noted that no longer did those people stand with fear.No, the people that stood before me were positively excited by the events unfolding. That was when I noticed that they were all men. No ladies remained."Now, where were we?" Luca smiled warmly at everyone of us individually, however, when those emerald eyes connected to my own, my gaze dropped to the floor and I swallowed. I prayed silently to myself until the burn of his gaze no longer torched my skin. "Rocco, you really have outdone yourself. I am very pleased.""Oh luca, please," The stunning red head huffed, causing my gaze to lift and observe her crossing her arms, her golden eyes furious. "Choose one and be done with it.""Sister, please," The dark haired beauty hissed, "He's having far too much fun with this. I wonder how the King will react to him declaring himself a prince in front of our people?""Blasphemy!" The other hissed, baring her teeth. Luca head snapped like lighting, his voice full of venom. "I am the named Prince!" He huffed, spoiled. "Our King has no blood heir!"His tone sent the two women quiet, giving each other shared glances of promised pain. The black haired beauty then replied with a wave of her hand, "Enjoy your banquet, my Lord."Luca's powerful frame turned back to us and a satisfied smile uplifted his lips, "Now, where to begin?" And with that he began inspecting each of the girls. I shut my eyes and begged to make myself invisible, more non descriptive than the other girls. I heard Luca's soft voice make a comment to Rocco about how lovely number three's skin was. And then there was silence. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. "Open your eyes." Luca's voice caressed over my skin, a small shiver racing down my back. Instantly my eyes opened and I found Luca to be inches away. How beautiful could one man be? I could get lost in his bright eyes as they stared right into mine, power radiating from him in waves.A disturbing heaviness settled over my eyelids, forcing me to try and concentrate.Then his eyes skimmed over every inch of my body, no comments passing between himself and Rocco like the others, just dead silence. My cheeks heated as I begged the ground to swallow me up."What unusual eyes you have, almost impossible." His soft voice whispered, his cool fingers reaching to trace my jawline as though entranced. "Such a lovely colour.""I found her walking home by herself, Luca." Rocco commented, his dark eyes running over me. "All alone...""She certainly is a beauty." Luca replied, his voice almost whimsical as Luca's touch left my jaw in a trail of blaze. "You know what to do, Rocco." Confusion continued to cloud my senses in a haze. His touch felt wrong, yet my body responded in a way that made me want him. Rocco nodded and turned away from Luca as Luca's hand drifted over my face, his soft fingers caressing my cheekbone, down to my lip. "What is your name?" Automatically I replied, "Eva, Eva Hamilton."My mind seized as the words left my mouth without hesitation."And those eyes are your own, its hard to tell with modern technology these days." His tone dripped with inquisitive amusement. I simply nodded, my throat closing up as his touch suddenly left me and he took as step back.A full smile broke across Luca's face, "Well, Miss Hamilton, I look forward to getting to know you better.""I will not willingly give myself to you." The words poured out of my mouth before I could stop them, before my irrational mouth had chance to speak. My worst fear was coming to light. And no way would I not fight back this time. "I will fight every step of the way!"A soft chuckle left his mouth, but those emerald eyes suddenly darkened and hardened with lust. "You think I would force myself on you?""Yes." I stated, squaring my shoulders. "I will not go without a fight.""My dear Eva, you will not remember this night - or this conversation. But I would never take another without their consent. Should you ever accuse me of such a thing again, I will be displeased. And I don't like to be displeased.""Then how do you plan on getting your heir?" I cried, calling him out, panic beginning to set in as two other girls beside me were chosen from the other Lords. Luca stepped forward again, a smile curving his mouth as he leaned closer, placing his lips at my ear, his hand curving around my back. "Beautiful girl, it's a blood moon. Any person declared a vessel will fall under its spell. As soon as I claim you as mine, you'll be as helpless as I to stop this powerful magic. You will crave my touch as much as I will burn for yours."I simply stared in shock, unable to understand what the hell a moon had to do with anything to start with.A sudden sting to my palm made me yelp with pain and I pulled my hand back to see a line of crimson welling. "You cut me!" I accused, stepping back and fist my hand in attempt to stem the blood flow, cradling my hand to my chest. It was then that the great doors burst open and a flurry of excitement whispered amongst the crowd as they began to part for the intruder. It was then that my heart swelled. Arie. He strode confidently through the crowd, his white shirt unbuttoned to show his chest and his sleeves rolled up. "No!" I suddenly cried, fear gripping as concern engulfed me. "Arie run! It's a cult! They'll kill you!"Hysteria lodged in my throat as I went to step towards him, but not before Luca gripped my arm and roughly held me to him, digging his nails into my arm causing me to yelp with pain. Tears began to unwillingly fill my eyes.The sapphire eyes of Arie's connected with mine. His usual relaxed grin completely wiped with simmering fury as he quickened his steps towards me, a hulking figure with curly black hair behind him with two blades strapped to his back. "My King! A pleasure you could finally join us." Luca overly welcomed him, "Though the ceremony is almost over."King? A sudden feeling of dread began to fill me. "I was engaged in a private matter." Arie's silken voice fanned from those perfectly sculpted lips, dripping with quiet fury.Luca's nails gripped me tighter, "I apologise, My Liege, we will take our chosen and leave. You must be eager to attend to your brides." He gestured to the ethereal women sitting on their thrones with their perfect crowns resting on their heads, eyes soaking in the events unfolding. Arie came to a stop in front of us, his frame suddenly larger than I remembered, power radiating off him in waves. His perfectly cut jaw clenched as his sudden cold eyes locked with my own, holding his hand out and beckoning me to go to him. I went to take a step, though as I moved, Luca gripped me tightly. He spun me in front of him and gripped my throat whilst his other held my waist in a possessive hold. A wracked sob left my throat as I felt my mind crumbling. Arie was part of this cult! In fact he was the leader hailed as King. Mentally, I threw in the towel. I was done fighting. As the sob left my mouth, Arie took a step closer, those now cold eyes becoming devoid of colour all together. "My King, I have chosen this vessel to carry my heir!" Luca accused with possession, holding me tighter. "The ceremony is almost complete.""This human is not your vessel!" Arie growled with fury, the ropes of his muscles shaking. "You will release her. She is mine.""Bu-bu-t you already have two brides this eve, My King!" A now shaking Luca replied. "You wish me to go without heirs! You wish to take what is rightfully mine this eve!""She is mine." Arie quietly stated before continuing. "This human is mine and mine alone. You cannot claim what has already been claimed. You may choose another this eve, for Eva, already bares my mark."Luca fumbled as he looked to the entire entourage. His fingers gripped my hair and pulled it from my neck, touching the spot behind my ear. "You mated with her!" A screech echoed around the walls, a sudden blurr of ivory descended from the throne and came to a screeching halt in front of Arie, her palm connecting with his sculpted cheek with a crack. "How dare you betray me so!"It was then that a silence fell upon the room, even my own feet rooted to the floor as Luca's hands left my throat and his arms fell away from me.The black haired goddess suddenly shook her head as her mouth quivered. A marble hand shakily reached out to touch Arie's cheek. But not before he caught her hand in his own.Arie recoiled from her touch like a viper. I gritted my teeth as I at first thought that Arie was going to reciprocate her attack."I will forgive your rash thinking, Belle." Arie murmured softly, releasing her hand. "I will forgive this outburst. But not another.""My love, please," she beseeches, her golden eyes frosting over with fright. Her marble fingers reached out to hold his hands as she dropped to her knees in front of him. "Arius, darling. I beg you. Give me a child!"At first this dark gods eyes softened as he pulled the raven beauty from the floor and pressed a soft kiss to her knuckles. Suddenly, I felt as though I were intruding in a private moment and my cheeks began to heat. The others beside me gawked with confusion, still coming to terms with the events unfolding between them.The man I thought I knew... had two wives.I don't half pick them! I silently seethed. Abusive bastards or cult loving crazies with two wives calling themselves royalty!My mind was ready to break all over again. "Please, my love!" The raven beauty wailed, curling into his chest. "Let me give you a son! A true prince!"Arie softly shook his head and tilted her chin to gaze into his eyes. "My love, I cannot. I will not put you through the heartache you have already endured another time. The pain is too great."Free flowing tears drifted down her perfectly sculpted cheek as she continued to beg, "Last time was different! We made it full term this time, my love! This time our child will breathe! Your heir will breathe! I can feel it in my soul! Pl-"Arie gripped her chin tight, his soft appearance and obvious love for this woman shattering, his back hardening. "No, Arabelle. You simply mean too much to me. Now leave me, I will be with you soon."The raven haired beauty now named Arabelle let out a wail, pulling herself from his embrace. Her sun-kissed eyes glared with pure hatred locking with my own, her burn almost sizzling my skin off. "I will play no part in this! I will never forgive you for this, Arie! You choose a whore over your brides!"A with her words she turned, her ivory dress laced with golden patterns and jewels flaring out as she turned and stormed from the room, her anguished cry echoing around the hall and her golden crown glittering as it reflected light.A tear slipped down my cheek as I felt her mournful cry. She too had lost a child, for only a woman who'd suffered the same could truly echo her own cries. And the way Arie had gazed upon her, his own anguish evident underneath his love for Arabelle. At least she had a man who mourned with her. Justin had never ever looked at me that way. Had never made me feel safe. Instead, he battered me within an inch of my life stealing my child's life from me. And I unwittingly slept with her husband... a lot.Shit! The gorgeous red head in the show stopping emerald gown suddenly stood, the dress moulding her body like a second skin. "Excellent progress, Husband. I'd give that a hard eight out of ten for effort." Her lulling voice sang, almost amused. "Now I understand all the secrecy over the last few months. You were fattening up your own broodmare whilst refusing your true brides this rare time in our creation."The curvy beauty turned at that point, her fiery locks aflame in the light, "I'll go to Belle, give her some comfort."With that, her curves hypnotised as she left, her heels clicking with seduction as she left. Arie turned then, his beseeching gaze reaching out to me. Guilt made me drop mine to the ground, staring at my bare feet. "Doesn't everyone have places to be?" He hissed, causing those around him to begin to file out of the room. "I had no idea she was marked, Your Majesty." Rocco whimpered as he passed. "Had I seen her mark I would never hav-""-Leave. I will speak to you privately." Arie hissed with impatience in Rocco's face. I lifted my gaze slightly as Luca and Rocco began to leave, Luca's echoing words demanding another vessel and time was now of the essence. As the last footsteps left, Arie turned to the giant beside him and nodded, "You too Henry. I need to be alone."Henry with perfect curls and deadly blades on his back nodded, "I'll be just outside, My King."As the doors closed behind him I felt Arie take a step closer and the tears threatening to overflow finally began to spill. "Oh, Eva." Arie whispered softly, taking my face in his hands with his gentle fingers. "Please do not cry. You are safe. I will always keep you safe."My lavender eyes connected with him as I took a shaking breath attempting to gain control of myself. "I want to go home." I stutter cried. "I can't take anymore.""I will take you home, I promise." He stroked my cheek attempting to give me reassurance. "Are you hurt?"I shook my head, denying the pain in my arm or my palm. I'd been through worse. I was an expert at diagnosing broken bones in my body. A few cuts and bruises were nothing a little antiseptic and an ice pack couldn't handle. "Your dress is ripped." He barely whispered, the unspoken question falling from his tongue.I swallowed having already assessed the situation down there, "I am untouched. At least, I think I am."The breath Arie had expelled through his lips as leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead. He continued to hold me, tucking my head under his chin. My eyes closed as I took a deep breath and inhaled his rosewood scent blending with a citrus tinge probably from his freshly washed hair. It was a scent that often filled my nose, causing me to calm that little more. For in these arms I felt protected, sometimes even treasured. "Eva, I know you have been through so much... but please, let me explai-""That you're seen as a king in this psychotic cult?!" I demanded, pushing his hands off my face and taking a step back. "That you're married! Twice! Did that fail to be mentioned the night we met?"Arie held up his hands as if to prove to me he was no threat. "I am not in a cult, Eva. Yes, I am married to two women. They are my Brides. We have been by each others sides for centuries."I laughed bitterly, "How romantic. You ever think maybe I wasn't into married men? Some kind of religion or belief you've never let on about?""It is no religion, it is our way of life." Arie countered, "Please let me take this from you? You won't have to remember any of this night, and we can continue to be as we were. And forget this night ever happened."I shifted my gaze, pointing accusingly at him as I shook my head. "Oh no, you're not using that thing that guy did on me - making my body do things I do not want to do!""Av-""No!" I cut him off angrily, tears burning my cheeks. "I want to go home now! And I never want to see you again, Arie!" "A car will take you home," He answered immediately, as if to reassure me, those beautiful bue eyes filled with concern. "Please let me explain, Eva.""I think you've explained enough Luca, now I'd like to leave," I hissed, keeping my gaze averted. "Besides, what else is there to explain?""You're special to me, Eva." He answered, stepping into my space and gripping my chin. I kept my eyes secured to a lamp on the wall, anywhere but his gaze. "Tonight, I did not plan for this to happen - for you to go through what you have. I know you're scared."The sarcastic smile tilted on my lips. Special girl. Justin always called me that - in the aftermath of his anger. My body began brewing into fight mode. "Special?" I hissed, shoving him away from me. "So special that you and your cult of weirdos want to make innocent people pregnant?"He shook his head, "It's not like that! If you only let me explain, you'll understand.""I don't need to understand anything, Arie." I spat taking more steps away from him. Hurt marred his beautiful face as his eyes beseeches me to understand. "I don't plan on being your third wife that shares. I don't want to be controlled when I have fought for five years to take control of my life! And I certainly do not plan to be your vessel and pop mini Arie's and Eva's out! These last few months have been fun, don't get me wrong. But this can continue no longer."He made to move towards me, to touch my arm, his mouth opening to speak but I couldn't let him. I spun on my sore feet and began to leave the way everyone else had. I stopped and turned as I reached the doors and finally looked him in the eyes, just to bathe in his beauty one last time. "I'm sorry, Arie. My life is screwed up enough without all of this. I think tonight has finally gave me the shove I need, you know? To make each day count?"He stood exactly where I left him, unable to face me. I could see him shaking. "Goodbye, Arie."As I stepped through the double doors, Henry, the guy who came in with Arie stood waiting. "Miss Hamilton," He nodded his head formally, "I have been instructed to take you home."I nodded and began to follow the hulking giant, and that was when I heard it. A roar so inhuman even Henry winced, followed by the sound of marble being broken as the roar continued. I felt the whole estate shake beneath my toes as those around me whimpered. I kept my back straight, eyes forward and left on the heels of Henry. "Luca!" An unholy scream echoed around the walls, fury dipped in venom. And I knew it was Arie. I just couldn't take any more weirdness this evening. I had enough to last me a lifetime. A black range rover waited outside, bathed in the light of the red moon.The handsome Henry, now appeared much more frightening as he opened the back doors for me. "Thank you." I whispered, fisting my hands when I got in, the sting of my nails keeping me present and the gash on my palm began to sting all the more. We drove for around forty-five minutes before signs seemed more familiar to me. No words passed between myself and Henry as I watched him warily. Occasionally he would glace in the mirror to check on me. I bit back the tears as I focused on getting home. As we pulled up outside of my flat, Henry had already made it around the car and opened the door for me. As I stepped out of the car, I suddenly realised that I had no purse - and my keys were inside. "Ma'am," Henry coughed, handing me the purse. "Thank you," I murmured with gratitude, opening my purse to grip my keys in his hand. "Thank you for bringing me home, too.""I do as my King commands." Henry replied bluntly, yet politely. "And I may be stepping out of bounds, Miss, but he is a good man. And I truly do not believe he ever wanted to hurt you."I looked down at my keys to avoid looking at him, my heart beginning to mourn as I whispered, "And yet he has.""Ma-""Please," I cut him off, eager to go inside and find my normality. "Please tell him that I wish him... happiness.""I will ma'am." Henry nodded, squaring me up. "Though, you know you cannot say anything about tonight? My king refused to compulse you, don't make him regret that decision."The threat in his tone was clear. I shook my head and began to walk up the steps, letting myself into my flat and closed the door on Henry, locking the door immediately.I stayed there until I heard the hum of the engine fire up and disappear. It was then that I began to shake and the tears began to flow. Sinking to the floor, I wrapped my arms around my knees and curled up, sobs wracking my check. I stared at the crimson gash on my palm, a reminder that I wasn't completely crazy. A reminder that I survived.That afternoon I woke with bleary swollen red eyes. After scrubbing myself over and over in the shower last night, I finally tended to the wound on my palm, applied ice where I needed it.Last night / this morning, I lay in bed completely numb. I sobbed and I screamed and I tried to rationalise. But the memories in my head were now snippets. Luca.The brides.Arie. Oh Arie. I sobbed harder until my eyes could no longer stay open. This afternoon, when I finally began to pull myself together, I threw on a black turtleneck sweater and jeans. My go to's that hid the marks on my neck and arms. As for my palm, the bandage held tight. It was believable that I said I cut it accidentally. At five, I finally rang Katie after receiving her eighth message demanding to know I was safe. I listened attentively as she chastised me for being so reckless, ending the conversation with promising never to take off like that again. I holed myself up in the flat, ensuring that I was barricaded in, drinking wine by the bottle whilst flicking through the TV. At least I was at work tomorrow, I thought. A little normality and a reason to leave the flat. That night as the ceiling spun above my head, I turned into the pillow and inhaled a deep reassuring breath of Arie's scent. And then I began to cry again.

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