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A/N: Im putting a trigger warning on this chapter for Suicidal Ideation  so please read at your own risk

Running down the steep hill, your feet nearly slip on the wet grass as you slide in place - stopping with merely just your heels. You take a breath, turning around one last time to the person you left sitting against the single tree on the hilltop. Looking at her, you feel.. immense hesitation to leave her up there, all alone.

The rain pelts you from an angle, wind howling loudly and filling your senses. She doesn't move, and you can see her faintly looking at you from over there. Water drips down your face. You don't care. She looks so small and fragile, unlike you've ever seen her before. You're so used to her being abrasive and stubborn, and to see her like this makes you scared and anxious. After another second you force yourself to tear your eyes away, and it takes every fiber in your being to leave her.

Your feelings in this don't matter though, and she needs you. Desperately.

You break out into a sprint, and run as fast as you can to the line of trees out beyond you. It doesn't take you long at all to get past them, and you try to find the clearest path through the jungle trees to the Spire.

Please hold on, for just a little longer.

Your thoughts are plagued with anxiety. A low hanging tree branch whips across your face as you run past, but you don't care.

By the time you get to the Spire that's towering ahead, the rain eases up a little and the wind is dying down. You run up to the doors, feet sliding on the mud, and pound your fist on the wall - panel opening up in front of you. You move to stand in front of the door's access panel, letting it scan your gem, but it gives you an error noise with a red alert.

"Are ya' fucking kidding me, come ON." You hear yourself growl out in frustration, slapping your fist against the wall as you let it scan your gem for a second time. You notice your glove is covered in her blood, and look away from the splotches of red against the pink.

It gives you another error.

"I don't have time for this." You say as you ball up your fist, stress and anxiety fueling your actions - and punch the panel's display screen with a loud crunch.

It fizzles, a bit of electrical smoke pouring out from the cracks. The door still doesn't open.

"FUCK!!" You yell out, nearly about to scream. You quickly expand your fist to be the size of a boulder, and smash it against the door enough times for it to bend - creating a hole for your hand to slip through. You grab the edge of the door panel and yank as hard as you can, ripping it from its casing completely and throwing it off to the side.

You bolt inside, running to the staircase and taking several at a time. You run faster than you have ever run in your life up these stairs, stumbling several times, but your hands work fast at catching you. Anxiety propels you forward - and before you know it, you're up on the seventh floor where the crates reside.

You don't even hesitate smashing them open, filtering through all the pieces of splintered wood to grab a bundle of cloth - and placing it underneath your arm. You make sure you grab the needles, blades and thread, not caring to really account for how much you're taking as you put them inside your gem for safekeeping. You can't lose these.

Making sure you have enough cloth, you run back down the stairs at lightning speed.

Please be okay. PLEASE be okay.

Like a mantra, these are the only thoughts running through your mind as you race forward. Time seems to go by pretty slowly, your limbs moving as fast as they can to get back down to the bottom of the Spire.

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