Watch Yourself

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After what seemed like forever, Ellis felt like he was going insane. He hated being cooped up for too long. He somehow found joy in killing the undead. "Just like the video games!" He yelled out the window while his wheels tore over countless piles of them. An odd looking infected individual stood in front of Ellis's truck. Yet he kept smiling at it as he was barreling towards it. Had he lost his mind? He hit the person who was sent crashing into his windshield, blinding him from what was coming. Thankfully, after looking out the back window, it was only an infected with some kind of police body armor on. After turning his focus back to the shattered glass, he squinted to see that the road was blocked off by large fences. He made a left sharp turn that his truck couldn't handle. In the matter of seconds, he was sent tumbling violently, crashing into a building.

-Rochelle POV-
"What the h-" A loud crash sent the building into a small shake, startling me and Coach. "What the hell was that?!" He somewhat shouted. We rushed back down the hotel's stairs before a horde could form. Finally reaching the ground floor, we saw the front of a flipped truck that had made its way into the buildings wall.
"What was this nut-job thinking?!" I questioned out loud. Coach got down to peer through the drivers window as the windshield was an opaque shattered white. "There's someone in there!" He told me. A worried expression filled my face and Coach could tell. "I don't know if we should worry about them... I mean they could already be dead! Or maybe even ready to turn! Plus, we have a helicopter to catch..." I said spinning around, ready to head back up the stairs. Coach sat there silent for a moment. "But what if he is alive and NOT infected? Hell, what if he is here for the evacuation?" He muttered. I knew he was too kind-hearted to leave the stranger behind. No matter if Coach knew him or not.
Coach worked at my nephews school. He was the football coach and my nephew just so happened to be on the team. So- I thankfully already was able to trust the kind, buff man.
He pulled the male out of the driver's door- which he managed to rip off- and checked his breathing.
"He's alive!" Coach nearly shouted.
The person was much younger then I would have assumed.
The younger male's eyes slowly fluttered open and managed to let out a heavy, shaky breath, before letting his eyes slip shut again. Coach flung the boy over his shoulder and headed up the MANY flights of stairs.

-Coach's POV-
After too many goddamn stairs, I set the boy down on the ground. Rochelle sat beside him, yet at the same time kept her distance.
"What's wrong with him?" An unknown voice called out from the opposite side of the roof.
I spun my head around to see a mid-aged man, staring the younger male down with a pistol pointed at his head. "Put the damn gun down, mister!" I shouted, alarmed at his immediate action.
"Well is he infected?!" He nearly shouted.
"We- don't know.." Rochelle piped in. I shot her a look and she shrugged.
The man stepped closer keeping his aim on the boys head. "IM GONNA NEED ANSWERS!" The man was now loudly shouting. I finally stood up and got in between the unconscious being and the moody suited man.
"Fine, but you are gonna need to change your attitude mister... This young'un, I assume, was driving a truck and somehow managed to get himself upside down, crashed into the bottom of this hotel."
The fancy-looking man sighed and lowered his gun. "What an idiot." He murmured. I rolled my eyes and turned to focus on the boy.
"If he is infected he better not step foot near me. Ill shoot him faster than his undead brain can comprehend." The man spoke up again.
I decided to change the topic.
"So where's our CEDA rescue?"

The man just scoffed and shook his head. "CEDA's shit. They aren't coming." He sounded irritated but for once it was understandable.
Rochelle was whispering under her breath. I caught a bit of what she was saying. "This isn't happening. This isn't happening."

"We all need to calm down and work together. We are in an apocalypse for the love of god. The least we can do is stick together." I insisted.

After a tedious, long seven hours, the country boy woke up. He began to move slowly, groaning a little.
"What the hell did I tell you!?" The man chuckled from behind me. "He's infected..." His dress shoes made tapping noises as he stepped towards the individual, going to put the gun against the back of his head.

-Sorry for the cliffhanger. I thought it would be a fun little twist...- 
-833 words-

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