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Louis POV

I am relieved and nervous. What happens now is completely out of my control, I hate it. But I put all my trust in Harry, I still believe the words he wrote me are still in his heart, I think they will always be because I know my feelings will forever be in mine. All that's left to do is wait.

Just as I pulled into the parking lot of the football field I got a text from Ann.

Ann: We are just now leaving. Should I be scared?

Me: No! it's going to be perfect.

Ann: Okay, I'll talk to you soon. xx

I knew I have at least thirty minutes, maybe even longer, before Harry gets to the important stuff. I take a deep breath and regain the composure that fled my body during the whole cooking ordeal. Looking down at my clothes I look disgusting, different colors of liquid coats most of my shirt and streaks of dried potato mixes with the stains. I get out of my car and head to open my trunk, thankfully Harry once forced me to pack an extra change of clothes in case of emergencies. For the first time in nearly two years, the clothes come in handy. I grab the little plastic bag and head into the clubhouse to grab a shower.

After a nice and relaxing shower, I take my clothes out of the bag and slip them on. In the bottom of the bag lies a small paper note.

Ha! I told you the clothes would come in handy, you owe me one now ;)

oh little did Harry know back then how much I owe him? I tuck the little piece of paper into my wallet and head back out to my car. I don't really have anywhere to go or a place I necessarily need to be. It's my guess that Harry won't come to the park tonight, with all the excitement I bet he's as tired as a racehorse, but for me, nothing else is calling my name.

I decide to drive back into the carpark of our apartment but hide it in the one behind the building so in case Harry goes walking around. I put the car in park and started making my way out onto the streets. I turn around slightly and I can see the outline of the window connecting to the apartment. I know that somewhere up there Harry is safe with a smile on his face.

The traffic on the London streets have started to die down a little bit allowing the walk back to the park only to last for a few minutes. Soon I find myself walking down the same little stone paved path that I haven't walked in what seems like forever. The difference between then and now is I no longer want to be hidden, I longer want to be alone.

I breathe in the fresh air as I take in the beauty of this place all over again just like the first time. It truly amazes me how when you step back and away from something for a short time that it's only then that you realize just how remarkable it is.

I didn't bring much with me so instead of going back to my tree, instead, I headed over to a little bench that sits right at the edge of the pond and sat down and just let go of everything. Everything is going to be alright. Everything is going to work out.

Harry's POV

'Mom, I'm heading out, I'll be back at-- sometime!" I have finished eating and took my medication for my pain and swelling. At first, I was extremely hesitant about if I was ready to go and find Lou, but I knew that if I don't do this now my anxiety about the whole thing will just skyrocket. And besides, I'm not sure if I can take much more time being away from him. I walk out the door and out into the sunset of London.

I guess I underestimated the beauty and the longness of this walk, for once I'm not running away here so it's the first time I see the true beauty of every little detail. It's also the first time I am seeing the city from this angle. Every couple of minutes I stop at a bench or lean the side of a building to allow my body a quick rest.

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