girls day out

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May 1989

An alarm clock rang throughout the teen's room, stirring her out of her sleep. The natural light streaming through her window made her room glow. Red pen streaked across the box on the calendar as Dawn crossed the date off. She gathered her undergarments and stumbled to the bathroom, flicking the water on.

Warm water covered her body as steam filled the room. Dawn washed her hair and brushed her teeth like she did every morning. Her undergarments were slipped on and she stepped out into her cool room.

She slipped on a pair of jeans and a tie-up shirt, tying her converse at the edge of her bed. Beverly's number was lying on her bedside table, she wrote it down yesterday. The phone rang for a second before Beverly's voice flooded through.

"Hey Bev, it's Dawn,"

"Oh, what's up?"

"Do you wanna come over and we can go watch a movie?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll get dressed and come over,"

"Sweet, see you soon,"

Once she hung up Dawn ran down the stairs to greet her parents.

"Bonjour mère, où est le père" With a kiss on the cheek Dawn sat down the table, admiring the pancakes her mother had set out.

"Bonjour chéri, il a dû travailler tôt" Marie Martinez replied, eating her breakfast.

Dawn nodded, understanding that her dad needed to be called in. French was the only language spoken in the household, as it is the only one all three of them understand completely.

"Je vais au cinéma avec Beverly aujourd'hui, ça va?"

"J'ai entendu des histoires sur cette fille," Marie responded, hearing how the mothers talk to each other, "mais je te fais confiance, tu peux y aller."

The two ate the rest of their breakfast in silence until the doorbell rang. Dawn bolted to the front door, yanking it open to reveal a redhead.

"Hey, Dee, you ready to go?"

"As I'll ever be," Dawn responded, the two unlikely friends getting on their bikes and riding into town.


"That was so fun!" Bev laughed, strolling out of the cinema and kicking up her bike stand.

"Fun? That was the scariest shit I've ever seen!" Dawn cried, continuing to complain about Pet Semetary for the whole bike ride.

"Do you mind if we stop at the chemist? I need to grab something," The red-head asked, hoping it wouldn't bother the French girl.

"Yeah, I don't care at all. Let's go."

The two pedaled all the way to the small store, putting their bikes up against the wall. Dawn readjusted her jeans, questioning her friend, "What do you need to get Bev?"

Beverly mumbled something that Dawn couldn't understand, so she kept asking.

"Pads! I'm buying pads, Dee!"

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