The start of my obsession with TMR

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Well my  best friend Lucy LOVES it. Ya, so she wanted me to read TMR (btw this is before the movie) but I thought the cover was really ugly so I said no.......(This happened to me with Divergent except I wanted to read the book except I didn't have time beacuse the movie was a few days away) anyway the moviw soon came out and I now realise why she loves it so much. IT WAS SO FREAKING AMAZING. Now I'm OBSESSED with Dylan O'Brien (cuuuuuuuuttttteee hoottiie) and Thomas B. GANGSTER (he got sassy swagh) YAY!!! So I read the book and I was shocked. It's really good but come on THEY COMPLETELY CHANGED IT IN THE MOVIE!!!!!! ugh. anywhoooooo this happens to me EVERY SINGLE TIME I WATCH A FANDOM MOVIE. me: watch movie. me: read book. me: becomes obsessed. lol

soooooooo yeahhhhh. (btw if you are admmited to Team Maze_Runner then I would like you to do one of these: Meet Y/N


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2014 ⏰

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