Squealing Tires

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  The world had turned to shit. Abandoned citied, empty cars scattered along highways, evacuated houses- this was it. This was the end.

-3 Days Prior-

With a large groan, I stretched my hand out from under the thick covers and slammed it onto the ringing alarm clock. I waited a few minutes before deciding to finally sit up. I waited there with my eyes squeezed shut from the bright sunlight blaring onto my face.
"Shit—" I muttered under my breath as I hastily stood up, stumbling a bit. With it already being 6AM, I had to get dressed for work. I didn't hate working as a mechanic; I just can not stand waking up at sunrise.
The cold morning breeze blew over my bare legs as I opened the window. I was still in my boxers. I just woke up- sue me.
After taking a quick shower and brushing my teeth, I got dressed into my work coveralls and my favorite shirt— which also happens to be my work shirt. It was a faded yellow color with the logo 'Bull Shifters' spread across the front.

I walked into my kitchen and poured a bowl of dry cereal; I decided to call Keith to make sure I was still picking him up like usual.

After a moment of almost silence (disturbed by the ringing phone) a loud voice answered. "HELLO?"
A smile appeared on my face. "Hey Keith." A small chuckle came from the other end. "OH, HEY BUDDY!"
"Listen, I was just callin' ta make sure I was still pickin' ya up." I said with a brighter mood showing through my voice.
"Are ya sure ya ain't concerned about what's happ'nen?" He questioned a bit worried.
"Well, whatcha mean?" I asked, CLEARLY confused.
"Take a look at the news..." I quickly switched over to the local news channel and told Keith to give me a minute. I listened closely trying to comprehend the situation.

News Lady: "-outbreak of mass cannibalism. Not only in Savannah but all throughout Georgia and other surrounding states. Many are calling it the Green Flu. Please DO NOT panic. However, we do advise you to lock the doors and border the windows. CEDA agents are on the case to clear out any-... chaotic... individuals and take in the rest of our people for further inspection. Thank you for your cooperation and please isolate yourselves from any malicious citizens. God bless you all."
I stared at the TV with wide, unbelieving, eyes. I held my ear back up to the phone but as soon as I went to speak, I heard the slow beeping- indicating that was apparently the end of our conversation. "Did he just hang up on me?"
I quickly made my decision to go get Keith just incase this reporter woman was telling the truth. I hopped in the truck after grabbing my hat and keys; I made my way for Keith, which was only about an hour away.

-Fifteen Minutes Later-

Before my worried thoughts filled my head, I turned on the radio and sung along to the first country song on the station. The highway was definitely not as busy as usual. Who knows- I mean Georgia isn't all that  crowded. Yet there is usually a good bit more than a car every fifteen miles.

[Time-skip brought to you by quiet roads and country hicks]

I decided to turn the radio off after the same song kept playing over and over again. Must be pre-recorded. I slowed down after spotting a huddle of some people in the near distance. They seemed to be all crouched around...something. I came to a quiet stop in front of them and rolled down the window peeking my head out.
"Hello there-" I called out hoping for some kind of response.
The bright-eyed individuals turned to face me. Shock soon filled my body as I saw their bloodied mouths. "Shit!" I said while forcing my hand to roll up the window. The brain-dead men stood up and started to run for my truck, revealing the dead body they were feasting on. At this point, I believed the lady I saw on TV and had no problem running a few over.
"I can't wait to tell Keith about this-"

—I know this sucks.—
—720 words—

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