🍽 VIII: Cheesecakes at Work 🍮

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"Please send those within the day too," he smirked as he placed another bundle of research papers on top of my table.

If my glares could kill, I swore he would've been shot dead about 9999 times today.

The guy was in a smart-looking pale blue polo and black pants. As he made himself comfortable, he hung his black blazer on the swivel chair opposite mine and loosened the first button on his polo.

He wasn't wearing anything too special. But why was it that anything this guy wears becomes really flattering?

I gave him an eye roll to which he grinned in response.

He was enjoying.
And I was hating this set up more and more.

Ashton picked up one of the reading materials from the shelf. As he leaned back on the chair, he smoothly slid one hand through his hair.

Tilting his head to the side to about his usual 20 to 30 degree angle, he pretended to be engrossed in whatever article he was scanning.

Like a model posing for his photoshoot.

Some people really won the jackpot in the DNA lottery.

Good for them.

I just wished this guy did not know how his DNA perfection affected people.

However, he had known that too well. And he also seemed to have mastered taking advantage of it too.

Today was Ashton's first day at work.

And probably the entire female population in our company was swooning over him.

It was so obvious in the way they stared at him and acted coy. Some even went as far as to report to work overdressed in silly flambuoyant dresses.

It must be the Ashton Magic working his usual unfailing charisma to every breathing XX chromosome in the building.

Excluding me, of course.

I gave a defeated sigh.

Well, okay. I could admit that the demon incarnate was an eye candy however I would never fawn over him.

Cross my heart.

I knew better than falling victim to his spells.

He may be insanely cute but I would never make the mistake of liking him again.

Over my dead body.

Ashton shot me a wink when his eyes met mine. A smug smirk was forming on his lips as he resumed reading.

The guy must have thought I was liking what I was seeing. Tch. I barely managed not to roll my eyes again.

By now, I've realized how hard it would be to continue acting indifferent. I didn't want to give away how irritating he was.

He would love to see that.
Which was exactly why I must not react to him.

I knew it was a bad idea that he had to familiarize himself with each department. That would mean he would spend days pestering me.

Still, I was left with no choice since it was President Lee who approved his request.

I guess the coming few weeks would be lots of bonding time with the gorgeous Lucifer.

But, for the record, I hated his guts.

No matter how handsome those guts were.

"CEO Lee," Daria, a manager from the Finance Department, innocently called to him in a sugary voice.

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