Mistakes Are Suppose To Happen (Pregnant with the Werewolf's Baby)

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Hey guys I know it's been awhile and I am very sorry for not uploading. Thanks for all the comments and votes. Hope you enjoyed reading it. Here's the next chapter.


Chapter 2

Tori's POV

"Tori come on get up. Get ready for school" Em shook my shoulder as I slept. I opened my eyes and saw the ocean painted walls. I shook my head and turned around to look at the clock. It was only 6:12. We didn't have to be at school until 7:30. I leaned my back against the wooden headboard and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Trying to get sleep nowadays is pretty hard.

Great, it's the first day of school and it finally sunk in that summer was finally over with. I got out of bed and walked into our closet. Emma and I had too share the room. I didn't complain though, to me it was a place to live so no complaining here.

I sighed as I looked through my clothes. Most of them I would probably never wear until after the baby is born. I had to go shopping and buy everything bigger. I picked out a pair of light jeans, a blue long sleeve shirt that showed my four month belly. It was small but very noticeable.

"Tori how does this shirt look on me?" Emma walked out of the bathroom. She was wearing a jean shirt and a pink tank top and then a black one over that. She looked really good

I smiled " You look great Em" she smiled and turned around to do her make-up. I changed out of my pajamas and changed into my school outfit for today. My jeans were a little tight, but other than that everything fit okay. I walked to the vanity sitting in Em's room and put some light blue eye shadow and some eyeliner on my top of my eye. Just simple make-up.

I felt a soft kick against the wall of my belly. I instantly smiled and rubbed my hands around the bump, trying to feel the soft kick again. After a few seconds a gentle kick was felt. I grinned as the baby kept kicking. Believe me if I could go back and change that one night I would, but somehow I would still want this baby. It was the only thing that me smile now.

"Tori let's eat, then head out. I don't want to be to late today" Em snapped me out of my thoughts. I released my hand and slipped on my white vans before following her into the kitchen. I instantly smelled pancakes and eggs. Yum my favorite I thought. I smiled as Em's mom set down a plate filled with all my favorites. I didn't wait for anyone else, I just dug in and finished my plate . Emma's mother Julie, smiled at me and patted my shoulder as she picked up my empty plate.

Emma's parents have been great to me this past months. They understood where I am coming from. Em's mom was pregnant with Emma when she was only seventeen. Julie was like my second mom, well I guess she is my mom now seeing as my parents just through me out like yesterday's garbage and want nothing to do with me.

Oh well I guess. I am over it all now.

"Tori, are you going to be alright?" Julie snapped me out of my thoughts once again. I looked over at her and smiled and nodded. I was ready to got to school. Yeah everyone was going to be giving me a hard time, but I am going to have to deal with it.

"Yeah, ill be fine" I smiled. Emma picked her plate up and put it in the sink.

"You ready to go Tori?" She was putting everything into her small Chanel bag. I nodded and got up from the table and grabbed my bag from the counter. Thank God Julie got me some stuff. Emma grabbed her keys and I followed her. As I stepped outside, I immediately smelled the ocean air. The sun was shining brightly. Em lives by the ocean, and I mean right next to it. I got into Em's car and she backed out. Here we go I sighed.

The ride to school was long. The whole time Em talked about how it was Senior year. That this was it before we say goodbye to each other. I just looked away and pretended to listen. My senior year was not going to be the same as everyone else's. I mean come on, I am pregnant with no father for this baby. This year is going to be tough. I sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2010 ⏰

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