Chapter 16

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A: Where do you want to go Henry?

H: Uhhhhhh...  Can y/n sit by me

A: No

H: Yes

A: No

H: Yes

A: she's mine *touches my thigh* 

Henry cross over his arm and made a mad face

Y: Awww come on Alex i have to sit by him 

A: what about me!

Y: you'll have me after 😉

A: fine *Alex pulls over to let me sit by Henry*

Y: Hi baby!

H: HI *laughs and smile*

H: Let's go to Arcade !

Y: Yesss!


you guys arrived and you and Henry played games 

Y: where's Alex?

I see him putting his head down on the table

Apov: i feel sick , y/n help me


Y: Henry, i think your brother isn't feeling well

H: Ouh no!

Y: here play with my phone *hand him your phone and carried him where alex was and you put him in front of Alex* (the 2 couch seats with the table in the middle)

You sit by Alex

Y: Hey, you okay ? *soft tone*

A: *coughs* no 

Y: aww come here 

he lays on my shoulder and hold my arm and falls asleep 

H: Y/n 

Y: yes baby

H: I'm hungry

Y: what do you want?

H: *whatever he wants*

Y: okay, Alex be right back *kisses his cheek*

A: I'm cold don't leave 

Y: i'll bring your hoodie in the car pass your keys

A: *passes his key*

I run to his car and grab his hoodie and run back to give it

Y: here put this on

A: thank you 

Y: np, i have to get Henry's food

A: okay 

5 mins later you come back to the table and you see Alex Shivering bad

H: Y/n he's cold!

y: I know baby*you sit by Alex and hold him*

A: *coughs*

Y: do you want water?

A: No i need you *coughs*

Y: okay, i got you 

Apov: In the future, the boy she falls in love and the boy who loves her  is lucky


10 mins later 

H: Y/n i'm finish!

Y: okay 

Y: Hey Alex *whispers*

A: mhhhh

y: let's go home

A: okay 

H: i'm tired *give your phone*

Y: okay come on *you threw away his rubbish and then carried him*

Y: i can drive, you don't have to

A: thank you 

Y: Np

While i was driving you see the boys sleeping

Ypov: Cuties!


i hold Alex's hand while driving

10 mins later i made it to Gala's house

I open the door where Henry was and I unbuckled him

Y: Come on baby

H: okayy

you carried him and closed the door

I walked to the door and knocked

G: Hi !

You hand Gala Henry

Y: Hi, he's super tired

G: i know! i can tell

Y: *laughs*

G: Thanks y/n for making my boys happy

Y: I love them so much!

G: Where's Alex?

Y: He's in the car resting , he's sick. But i'll take good care of him

G: Okay thanks again 

Y: yea np , bye!

G: bye

I walk back to the car and started driving



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