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Midoriya pov

I woke up and looked around. I don't feel sick anymore but I'm still a little lightheaded, but overall I'm fine. I looked at the time and it was almost time for school. I got up and started to get ready and left the dorms. I ended up late but I it was excused. I walked into the room and it was break, everyone rushed to me asking many questions about how I was doing. "Guys I'm fine! Just a little lightheaded but I'm okay!" I smiled and everyone let out a sigh of relief.

Class was going on as usual and before we knew it... it was the end of the day. We all left at the same time to prevent anything bad from happening to anyone. When we walked in I was petrified..

On the tv in the common room played the news but not today's... it was the day of my attempted suicide. We rushed into the to the tv and watch. But as I noticed it wasn't the news. It was the actual recording. The news censored our faces but in this...You saw me jump. You saw my face. You saw Kacchan face. YOU. SAW. EVERYTHING! I stared and just looked down.

"Deku... That was you?" I started to tear up "Who the fuck is starting shit?!" Kacchan yelled out. Out of no where there was a laugh, we looked into the direction of the laugh came from. It was...


He looked at me and said "I was the recorder. I was the one that caught that pathetic attempt of a suicide. You're such a dumbass!" Everyone was furious "He was going through a rough time! You have no right to do shit to him!" Iida yelled as everyone joined in. " I knew I wasn't good enough!" I whispered to myself and ran into my room. "I can't handle this anymore!" I said to myself as I wrote one more note. I folded the papers and placed some belongings beneath each note. Especially moms...

I grabbed the rope out of the closet and hung it up on the ceiling using Seros tape, I grabbed my chair and placed it under the chair and stood on it. "I'm sorry everyone I deserve this." And kicked the chair over....

Pain Comes From Trauma  {Suicidal Deku}Where stories live. Discover now