Chapter - 4

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Tiffany's  Outfit  Above


Joe and I have been dating since the last 2 and a 1/2 years . He was a sweetheart and was very loving and caring . We met at my friends party. We became really good friends and slowly we became really close. And one day he told me that he had feelings for me and that he wanted me to be his girlfriend . Me also having feelings for him agreed and since then we have been dating. But since the last 6 months he has been acting weird but I just let it go because I was very busy with my work

But one day I decided that I will surprise him by visiting him at his office and have lunch with him . He works for a Magazine and is the Head Editor there. That day I bought his favourite lunch and went to his office . As I reached closer to his door I had strange noises. I went closer and opened the door slightly and what I saw in front of me was a sight which left me shattered . A girl naked on his desk and Joe on top just fucking her. I left quietly so that they don't notice me. That evening he called me and told that he was going on a business trip to Paris . I knew he was lying about "bussiness " but I sent one of my spy behind him to Paris and trust me he was doing everything except for bussiness. The spy sent me photos of him hanging out with that girl (and fucking her).

Today was the day I was gonna meet him for the first time after his so called "bussiness " trip .

We were meeting at this outdoor restaurant in Manhattan. And oh Boy i was so ready to dump his cheating ass

I saw him across the street waving at me . I flashed a fake smile at him and waved back. He came up to me and sat beside me

"Hey babe . I missed you a lot . I hope you could have come with me" he said

"I missed you to Joe but I don't think you missed me enough"

"What are you talking about Tiff ?"

"Well you see  , you clearly didn't miss me because you had someone else  to take care of you ."

His eyes widened at this statement and I slowly pulled out all the photos from my purse and laid them on the table.

"Why did you do this to me Joe , Was i not good enough for you "

"Tiffany how-

"Shut the fuck up Joe . I thought you loved me and cared about me but I was wrong. You are just like those dicks who just play with a girls Feelings." I shout

"Tiffany I wanted to tell that but -

"When were you going to tell me Joe? After completely fucking my feelings up ? After completely breaking my heart . When I first met you I thought that you were different and that you were a caring and sensible person. I trusted you and I became vulnerable . But you took advantage of that and played with my emotions . For the past 6 months you have not been interested in even talking to me properly. I always have given  you the money you wanted  so that you can build your own business but now I realised that you are a Gold-digger and that you just care about your benefit . You are a Gold digger and  a whore Mr Joseph Raymond . " I shout attracting the other customers which is what I wanted . I wanted to embarrass this prick publicly

"Watch your mouth Tiffany and stop shouting .Everyone's watching us . And It's all your fault . You are the one who was always busy and didn't have time for me . You never even had sex with me."

"Seriously is Sex the only thing that matters to you . You know relationships are mostly about emotions ." I say spitefully

"I am a man Tiffany . I have needs"


" Shut up Joe. You are just  trying to cover up the fact that you are a whore with this lame excuse. You know what I don't have time for this So let me get straight to the point. I am not going to waste my time on a dick like you and I am Dumping you ." I say

" What the fuck Tiffany . No one dumps me.!!"

" Oh but I just did . So please don't show me your face ever again and don't try to contact me . I don't want you in my life anymore. And if you try to annoy me by trying to sneak up on me you will not see the sun rising Mr Raymond . You don't know what I am capable of . So I suggest you to stay away from me ."

"Tiffany you can't do this . I love you Baby"

"Stop it Joe . You don't have to pretend anymore because now I know who you really are and trust me You don't deserve me ." Saying this i get up with my bag and start walking but I quickly turn around

" Oh and this is for you because I know you're nothing without my money" and I throw a Bundle of $1,000,000 on his face and walk away
Leaving him embarrassed

"That felt good"

I go back to my office feeling low . I have the urge to talk to my dad because he is the only one whom I want to be with right now

I open his Cabin door. As if he knew I was going to visit him he says " Hi Honey , What brings you here"

" Joe cheated on me so I dumped him"
I say

He quickly turns around with a concerned look and walks towards me " I am so sorry Honey "

"Was I not good enough Dad?" I question with tears in my eyes

"No , no honey you are the most brilliant women ever , you are independent , smart , talented and beautiful sweetheart . I know you loved him so much. I could see it in your eyes but the fault is his sweetie . He is not good enough for you." He says comforting me

" But dad he said that its all my fault that this happened and that not fair "

" See Tiffany sometimes life is unfair to you but you have to deal with it honey. I know that you are my strong girl and I know that you will get over this to . So stop crying ." He says

"Dad will i ever find someone who is good enough for me."

" Tiffany you're Rare sweetie . You are a Marquise Diamond . It's hard but I know there is someone out there whose perfect for you "

"Thanks for always being there for me Dad . I love you ."

"Sweetie it's my job to be there for my children . You are my first priority . I live for you and I love you Too. Now stop crying and come with me , we are going someplace" he says kissing my forehead

"Where Dad?"

"You'll find out" he says with a playful smile

YAY next chapter. I know I have not updated for a while but I was busy my with school work and didn't get the time to do so. And eventually I forgot about it . But then my friend encouraged me to write again and So here I am .

I dedicate this chapter to my friend Vani who motivated me to write again

Hope you guys like this chapter
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