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February 26th, 2017

   It was strange. The cameras. The questions. The calls. God, the constant calls. People were doing everything they could to get some answers. Tweet her. Text her. Call her. Point microphones and tape recorders in her face. It was exhausting. But it was the life she signed up for. The life that she put a pause on for the last two years. And now, she was back.

  Margo rubbed her temples and shut her eyes as she got into the SUV outside of her hotel. With the door slammed behind her, the car fell silent. Besides the ringing in her ears that she secretly knew was her manager Noelle, who was sat across from her, trying to talk to her. Maybe she shouldn't have drank that last drink last night. Maybe she should've taken one right before she got inside this fucking car. Margo sighed and then lifted her head, her sea-green eyes meeting Noelle's brown ones through the dark barrier of her sunglasses.

  "Sorry, what?" She breathed. Noelle rolled her eyes. Not 2 minutes in her presence and Margo was already frustrating her. It brought a smirk to her face.

  "I said, that you should've been down here twenty minutes ago. We're gonna be late now." Noelle repeated.

  "I'm sure it'll be fine. It's just a cast meeting." Margo rolled her eyes. She'd been through these things plenty of times. There were always people who didn't show up on time. She used to frown on those people. Now she was the one her younger self would frown on. Aw.

  "That's not the point, Margo." Noelle snapped. "You have to make a good impression. This is your first gig in two years. If you want to successfully get back into acting then you need to make yourself look good enough to get people to want you in their projects." She explained. "That means good impressions, being on your best behavior, getting along with everyone." Noelle emphasized the last part and Margo snickered.

    "I'm not a kid, Noelle. Stop talking to me like I am." Margo sat back in her seat and looked out the window as they began to move. "I know how this shit works. I've been doing it for my entire life. Just because I took a break to figure myself out, doesn't mean I've forgotten what this lifestyle entails." Then she smirked and looked over at Noelle. "And I'm great at first impressions, don't you remember?" At this, Noelle's stony expression softened and she shook her head with a small smile.

   "I mean, yea. You quite literally saved my ass that day." Noelle chucked. She had been running late to work, and as she was crossing the street she didn't see a car coming. Margo pulled her out of the way just in time, and Noelle profusely thanked her. Margo waved it off, then they walked into the building together, as well as the office where Noelle's boss was standing there waiting to chew her ass out. But then he saw Margo standing with her.

  "Oh, I see you've met Miss Jupiter already." He smiled, thought it was strained. Noelle's eyes widened only slightly. The girl who saved her life was the same girl that she'd be representing. "Is that why you were late, Miss Axel?"

  "Yes it was." Margo answered before Noelle even opened her mouth. "We were just caught up talking to each other and working together. It's my fault, entirely." She went on. "So if you have a problem, take it up with me." At that, her tone was challenging, and her smirk intimidating. Noelle's boss swallowed.

  "No problem at all, Miss Jupiter." He responded. "Shall we head to the conference room?"

  "We shall."

  "And don't you forget it." Margo winked.

  "But seriously, Margo." Noelle easily slid right back into serious-manager-mode. "It's important that you stay on your best behavior. And at least try to get a long with everyone."

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