Craig Robertson_Canada

361 24 22

Aslamo alikom w rahamatollah

Reminder: pray first if it's time for any prayer

So here's a new update ;)

I loved this story so much. I wish u will like it.


My name is Abdullah Al-Kanadi.  I was born in Vancouver, Canada.  My family, who were Roman Catholics, raised me as a Roman Catholic until I was 12 years old.  I have been Muslim for approximately six years, and I would like to share the story of my journey to Islam with you.

I suppose in any story it’s best to start from the beginning.  During my childhood I attended a Catholic religious school and was taught about the Catholic faith, along with other subjects.  Religion was always my best class; I excelled academically in the teachings of the Church.  I was pressed into service as an ‘altar boy’ by my parents from a very young age, which pleased my grandparents a great deal; but the more I learned about my religion, the more I questioned it!  I have this memory from my childhood, I asked my mother on Mass: “Is our religion the right one?”  My mother’s answer still rings in my ears to this day: “Craig, they are all the same, they’re all good!”  Well to me this didn’t seem right.  What was the point of me learning my religion if they were all equally good!?

At the age of twelve, my maternal grandmother was diagnosed with colon cancer and died a few months later, after a painful battle with the disease.  I never realized how deeply her death affected me till later on in life.  At the tender age of twelve, I decided I would be an atheist in order to punish God (if you can even fathom such a thing!) I was an angry little boy; I was angry at the world, at myself and worst of all, at God.  I stumbled through my early teenage years trying to do everything I could to impress my new “friends” in public high school.  I quickly realized that I had a lot to learn, for being sheltered in a religious school you don’t learn what you would in a public school.  I pressed all my friends in private to teach me about all the things I did not learn, soon enough I gained the habit of swearing and making fun of people weaker than me.  Even though I tried my best to fit in, I never actually did.  I would get bullied; girls would make fun of me and so on.  For a kid my age, this was devastating.  I retreated to myself, into what you would call an ‘emotional shell’.

My teenage years were filled with misery and loneliness.  My poor parents tried to talk to me, but I was belligerent towards them and very disrespectful.  I graduated from high school in the summer of 1996 and felt that things would have to change for the better, since I believed they couldn’t get any worse!  I was accepted in a local technical school and decided that I should further my education and maybe make some good money, so that I would be happy.  I took a job at a fast-food restaurant by my house to help pay for school.

A couple of weeks before I was to start school, I was invited to move out with some friends from work.  To me, this seemed like the answer to my problems!  I would forget my family and be with my friends all the time.  One night, I told my parents I was going to move out.  They told me, I couldn’t, and that I wasn’t ready for it and that they wouldn’t allow it!  I was 17 years old and very headstrong; I swore at my parents and said to them all sorts of evil things, which I still regret to this day.  I felt emboldened by my new freedom, I felt released, and I could follow my desires as I saw fit.  I moved in with my friends and didn’t speak to my parents for a long time after that.

I was working and going to school when my roommates introduced me to marijuana.  I was in love with it after the first ‘puff’!  I would smoke a bit when I got home from work to relax and unwind.  Soon though, I started to smoke more and more, until during one weekend I had smoked so much, that it was Monday morning and before I knew it, it was time for school.  I thought, well, I’ll take one day of school off, and go the next day, since they won’t possibly miss me.  I never returned to school after that.  I finally realized how good I had it.  All the fast food I could steal and all the drugs I could smoke, who needed school anyways?

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