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I pulled up to the camp and got chills . As I was pulling in a young girl approached my window.

Susan - May I help you ?
Maria - My name is Maria , I am going to be a counselor here .
Susan - Oh I'm sorry , I didn't mean to be rude and roll the window up real quick, I'm just paranoid. I don't even wanna be here but I need the money and this is the only job I could get .
Maria - Why don't you want to be here ? Being a camp counselor sounds fun . I love the kids .
Susan - It's not the kids that bother me . It's being in a place where murders happened. Don't you know what happened?
Maria - I'm not from around here . I'm from Oklahoma. I just moved here not to long ago , what happened?
Susan- A 14 year old girl killed a whole bunch of campers and she just got released from prison today. What if she comes back ? My father should of fought to keep this place closed . He should of fought to keep her locked up . She killed my sister . I swear by the grace of god If I ever see her I will kill her myself, torture her a lot worse than she did my sister .
Maria - This girl sounds very disturbed , do you think that something could of caused her to snap ?
Susan - Her father died when she was very young . She saw him die . They was on a boating trip and a group of teenagers that was at the camp across the lake lost control of the boat and ran over him . She was so traumatized and at that moment is when she stopped talking .

I then parked my car and walked in the cabin and got chills up my spine . I didn't want to say anything but something didn't seem right about Maria . She said she wasn't from around her but the sticker on her car said " Born And Raised In Michigan.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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