Chapter 12

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Marlee, Kriss, and Elise left the kingdom yesterday morning, all of us teary eyed and hopeful for another chance to visit each other. I think that the next time Maxon has a meeting to go to somewhere outside of Illéa, I'll ask to be dropped off at one of their houses for a while.

Gradually through the following weeks, I notice myself becoming considerably bigger, slower, and more tired day by day. I've been pregnant for what seems like eternity but actually hasn't been that long. Maxon has been more attentive to my pregnancy needs, and the maids have been at my side constantly. Although it feels nice to have so many people care about me, I'm beginning to feel a little overwhelmed by all of the attention that I'm getting.

I have been writing letters to my three friends every week, and as my life at the palace progresses, May has showed her new found maturity, and my mother has found her niche in the castle by doing odd jobs that the palace's staff needs help with.

I decide that I want to take a visit to the gardens before I attend my meeting involving the phases of the removal of the caste system. Maxon and I decided that it would be best for Illéa if the phase to eliminate the next lowest caste would be put into place at an earlier time. The country's citizens have seemed to adapt for the most part to just one caste eliminated, so we think that the next one should also be taken away. Baby steps are essential if our goal is to get rid of the entire caste system altogether.

In the gardens, the flowers and trees are starting to blossom again as spring rolls back around. I look at all of the fresh flora around me, when suddenly I hear a footstep behind me. I turn around to see who it is only to find out that it's May.

"Hey, America," she says with the biggest grin as she runs up and hugs me. I strongly embrace her back, knowing that the few opportunities that we have to talk with each other are few and far between.

"Hey, May!" I yell joyfully, picking her up and spinning her around. "How are you?"

"I'm great, Mer." She gives me the biggest and brightest smile, and I can tell that she's been planning when to come and talk to me.

After sitting down together on a bench, we start talking with each other about how our schedules have been filled up, and I am surprised to find out that she is now a palace helper for the seamstresses. She has been busy sewing and mending dresses for various people around Illéa, including me. We sit on a bench in the gardens, surrounded by all of the beautiful life that it holds. As May speaks, she glances at the sky, the flowers, and me. I can tell that she is fascinated by the palace still to this day, and because of this, I can't help but smile at her. Her bright personality and constant laughter is contagious whenever she goes.

As we talk about the daily chores and responsibilities that we have, I see Maxon walk behind May quietly so as to not disturb our conversation, but I nod at him, telling him that he can come forward and talk to me. May sees my obvious distraction and turns around to see what it is. Maxon is dressed sharply in a dark plum colored suit, and my cheeks turn red when I make eye contact with him.

Maxon turns to May and says, "May, do you mind if I have a word with your sister for a moment?"

"Of course, Maxon," May replies, knowing that she will have to find another chance to talk to me again. She quietly walks back into the palace knowing that we wish to have a private conversation with nobody listening.

Maxon gently kisses me on the lips, filling me with an all familiar warmth. "Mer, your sister is so adorable, did you know that?" He gives me the cutest grin.

"Yep, May's a cutie. But she's growing up fast, just like we both did. One minute you were the prince looking for a wife, having no idea what you were doing, and the next minute you found me, a poor girl from a low caste. We both were just mere teenagers then found ourselves in the midst of being the country's biggest stars. May on the other hand, is turning from a cute sweetheart into a mature and delicate young woman."

We both laugh at the fact of how true my statement is. "Mer, I think that is the most blunt yet amusing thing you have ever said to me," he says with a smile as he wraps me in his arms.

I turn my head around and peck him on the cheek, showing him how even in the roughest or easiest of times, I love him all the same. He takes my hands and begins to playfully yet slowly dance with me in the garden. While we are having our fun, I realize that we need to go attend the meeting. It started ten minutes ago.

"Maxon, the meeting!" I tell him urgently and suggesting that we need to run in order to get there.

"Mer, are you kidding me?" Maxon asks with a chuckle. We are the head of the whole country, with the authority over everyone, and you're worried that they'll start the meeting without us? They'll wait for us for twenty years!" He tells me reassuringly, which helps me to remember that I actually do have authority over most everybody.

I grin at how I even managed to think that they would start a meeting without the king and queen of Illéa, but I still take his hand and lead him out of the garden and towards the meeting. This is actually a very important gathering that is essential to the country's well-being and safety. We are in charge of our citizens' fates involving the removal of the caste system. We have to go decide their destiny.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2015 ⏰

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