My Dose of Help

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So, I kinda thought people might wanna have like, a daily inspirational something or another, or maybe just a thought for today? I used to do this via text message to all of my friends... but then I just kind of stopped. So, I'm going to start again on here, please just tell me if I should keep going or not :)


Today's focus point is being pleasant, or nice to be around. Smile whenever necessary, because that might change a person's day. Keep a positive attitude towards your outlook, even when everyone is feeling glum. Just remember that your attitude is contagious and ask yourself, "Is mine worth catching?". I know on a person's bad day, they might not want to see other people smiling and feeling happy, but maybe that is all the push they need to make their day better. And also, don't be trying to bring others down... even though they smile, that might be their only way of pushing back the raging storm of emotions inside of them. "Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny."

My goal today is to be pleasant. What about you?

Thought for the Day:

If you could switch places with any one person in the world, who would it be?

Song for today is Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars :)

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