The Young Broken Mate-Blue Eyes

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*****Two Years Later*****


                                        LUNE'S POV

I was woken up by a banging noise at my door. “Oh No.” I whispered. I had overslept and he told me to me to make him breakfast after he had raped me last night. He will surely beat me up. He’s not Alpha anymore his son is. But I still hate him he killed my mother,and he does things to me things that I don’t like but I know I deserve. He finally breaks down the door. “Hey you little slut.” he called “Hello Master.” I squeaked. Yes he makes me call him master otherwise I wouldn’t be able to walk for a week. “You disobeyed me again.” He snarled. “I’m sorry I overslept.” I rushed out. “Why!” he growled. “Because my body had control and it would l-let me w-wake up t-til I was fully h-healed.” I stuttered. “ I don’t care!” he spat. He grabbed me by hair and slapped in the face hard. He pinned to bed. “Please No, I’ll be good!” “Too late for that you little slut.” He ripped my clothes off and spread my legs.Then just as always he raped me. “PLEASE LET ME GO!” “Ha just lay back and enjoy it.” He laughed as he thrusted into me hard as he just kept going. He thrust becoming even wilder. He just kept moaning while I kept screaming and sobbing, begging for him to stop. It hurt some much as he touched,licked and hit all over my body. His thrusts becoming even harder and sloppy. He finally came all over me. With one last kiss he left leaving me to soak in the blood gushing out from between my legs. I made a final decision that could either get me killed or save my life. I have to get out of here. So I made a plan while I laid there for the whole day.


While I cooked the food for the new Alpha’s wedding I would put sleeping pills and the sleeping remedy my mother taught me in the food.

I would then also put the sleeping pills and remedy into the cake and frosting.

Since I couldn’t go to the wedding -_- I would use that to my advantage and steal clothes from the other girls to hide my sent and I need some, while they were all in at the wedding.

Wait until everyone was sleeping at sneak out.

Run as fast as I can. (not very fast)



Put a crapton of sleeping stuff in there.

Pack necessities before I start to cook.

Run as fast as shit.


*****************************End Plan****************************


That should work. Now let pack those needs. I got up very slowly and painfully I might add. I went to the kitchen and grateful to find that there was noone there. I grabbed water bottles and some food. I went upstairs to put it in the old book bag I had. I hid the book bag so Master wouldn’t find it. The second I was done I went down stairs and started cooking the food. I found some sleeping pills in the medicine cabinet in the downstairs bathroom. I crushed them all up and put them in a baggy to always have with me. Then I went on to make the sleeping remedy which was some erbs. Thank the MoonGoddess that we all of the things needed. Every time I made a dish I would put in some of the sleeping powder and the crushed herbs making sure to mix it well so you couldn’t taste it. I ran out of the sleeping remedy by the time I got to the cake. So I just made some more. When I finally finished it was time for the wedding. I set the food where it should go. Then went to my room and waited.


Once I knew that everyone was gone I went to a girls room who my age and size. I grabbed 3 pairs of black jean. Some white socks and a giant pink sweater. Then I grabbed some black long sleeve shirts. The some black combat boots. I went to my room and put all of some jeans, a shirt, and the pink sweater. Then a pair of socks and the boots. “ There now I just have to wait.” I said to myself. I decided to take nap. When I awoke everyone was here and asleep so I grabbed my bag and jumped out my window. Then I just ran.


I’ve been running for two days only stopping to rest when I’m dizzy and for food and water. Also of course to pee. My vision was starting to blur but I kept going when I saw boy. And boy was a cute. He a blonde hair looked about my age a little older. Then he turned around and saw me. Then I was mesmerized by his eyes those perfect crystal clear ocean blue eyes. Then I felt dizzy again black dots invading my vision. Then I fell the last thing I saw were as he hovered over me and warmth surrounded me, were his amazing BLUE EYES.

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