Chapter 15:"Kurobe Mansion,Momo true power?"

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Todday there montly ranking match that held every month that mean the Regular can change member,of course Ryouma didn't hold back he end all of the match he has in 2 hour until he wait for Regular match but then he saw surprising news that Momo lose to INui well for everyone it was shocking but for Ryouma it's not really shocking

"Momo-chan-senpai drop out from Regular..."Horio state in sad

"no way..." Kachirou say in disbelieve

"did he hurt?" Katsuo ask in worried

Fuji who heard it shake his head,"nope..he's not hurt it was a fair match..."

Ryouma only stay quiet looking at Momo back then at Inui who was scribbling at his note,he sigh fiddling with his Jersey,"Just like i though.." he mumble but loud enough for everyone to hear

"Echizen?" Oishi ask in worried same with other

Ryouma glance at at them ,"it's no surprise he lose... in these 2 month Inui-senpai take his data and observe's like you have match with yourself..."

"match with yourslef?"Horio ask in confuse

"he lose because Inui know everything about his technique and because of that he can return it everything in Momo-senpai blind spot...that was Data Tennis tecnique" Ryouma explain

Inui who heard it chuckle,"that was amazing logic you have... you have amazing knowledge,as you say Data Tennis is liek to play by yourself but i wonder if you have match with Data Tennis can you defeat yourself?" he ask and the other look at Ryouma waiting for answer

Ryouma turn to Grim his eye become lifeless,"fight by myself... do not worry i already fight by myself and i also already died once..." he say coldly make them flinch but then continued glance at the sky,"because of that we got split to two who fight over the dominance one..." he mumble but loud enough for them to hear and he get away but not when he look back at the Regular,"and it be my pleasure to fight by myself again..." he say in monotone but his eye showing a michievous,determined.

The other Regular only stay quiet except Inui,Fuji and Tezuka who narrowed their eye looking at Ryouma eye and they only though,'fight with himself for's like he has another person live inside him...'

Eventually after the Rank match finish Momo place was changed by Inui it was necesarry so no one can do about it except they was sad that Momo place was take over.

Tomorrow morning,Ryouma and Fuji go to school and they go to morning practice but Momo didn't go in there while Oishi was irritated,Ryouma who saw Oishi become more stricter but he didn't really pay attention he focused on his practice until the Morning practice finished.Ryouma,Horio,Kachirou and Katsuo go to their own class 

"Momo-chan-senpai didn't come to practice... is he okay? what do you think Echizen?" Horio ask

"... hmm..." He only hummed looking outside the window in deep though

 On the class,Ryouma didn't pay attention until it's time for change class he got o Momo class who dozed off but grin when he saw Ryouma,"Echizen..." Momo greeted in grin and Ryouma nodd in greeting sit beside Momo

Ryouma glance at Momo and begin to speak,"why you didn't come to club?" he ask,After the match with Tezuka he didn't really need coin to ask and speak

"i..i just don't feel like it..."Momo say avoiding eye contact

Ryouma hummed and he begin to pay attention at the teacher until his eraser was near at the edge of the table and momo who saw it stretch his hand and on that time his eraser drop from the table,"phew~ how close..." Momo return the eraser back to Ryouma

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