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Looking out on a positive Len
Watching the grandmothers stay in Constant prayer for this younger generation
Watching the mothers crying for their sons as fathers forget about their daughters
Hearing the children say Tomorrow I'll get my life together
Tomorrow I'll care
Tomorrow I'll figure out my life's values or plan
Awwwww maybe tomorrow I'll call about a job or fill out my college applications
Thinking they have so much time
Thinking they know more than past generations not understanding the truth behind time coming to an end
Yesterday was the day they turned forty with no accomplishments to show for their journey
Today is when they turn fifty trying to create a way out of sinking sand
Tomorrow is the day of their funeral full of flowers and slow songs
Tomorrow is the day they were lowered into the ground by strangers because they never appreciated their family
Tomorrow is the day family and friends will gather to hear those famous words
"Ashes to Ashes Dust to Dust"
Tomorrow is the day of their expiration

Queen Hester Legacy

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