Character Bio

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Damon Sonnier

Age: 17

Height: 5' 9''

Ethnicity/Heritage: American/Cajun French (Southern Louisiana)

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Personality: Damon is a shy and timid individual, with a lack of confidence and social understanding.

Damon has a mental disability called HFA (High Functioning Autism).

He gets very stressed and gets filled with anxiety when he is under pressure. 

He is always aware and concerned about the well being of his own friends.

He gets very hypersensitive when he does something wrong, or when he thinks he hurts his friends or others. 

He wants to be inoffensive, clean, and innocent to avoid hurting his friends or others. 

He sometimes has a fear of becoming arrogant, as he does not want to hurt the feelings of his friends or others. 

However, Damon is always helpful when there are chores that need to be completed, or when his friends are completing difficult tasks.

Damon always tries to help out his friends by always staying by their side when they have rough days, as he doesn't like to see his friends in a hurt state.

Whenever Damon is complimented about his personality, skills, behavior, or fighting abilities, he will blush or shrink in shyness.

He always deflect those compliments by creating his own compliments to others. He believes that if someone compliments himself, and genuinely means it, then you deserve a nice comment in return.

He is very intellectual as well, and he likes to read New York Times articles, solve puzzles, and predict future outocomes in history for part of his spare time.

He is very submissive when it comes to arguments, as he prefers to aim for a more peaceful routes to deescalate confrontations. But if anyone insults or hurts his friends in the most intentional or malicious way, he will get angry and come to their defense.

Damon has taken defense classes to prevent himself and others from being harmed. The martial art he uses is Jiu Jitsu, as he wants to utilize his short range fighting abilities.

Weapon: Razor

Like Jaune, Damon has a simple weapon that he uses

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Like Jaune, Damon has a simple weapon that he uses. However, unlike Jaune's weapon, Damon's razor is not a family hand me down.

Damon uses his razor for self defense or to protect his friends when they are in serious danger, which has never happened yet.

Even though Damon has not been in a situation like that yet, he has his own golden rule on using his razor to prevent uneccessary harm on others. He would prefer to use his razor only if the people that try to attack him, or his friends, have weapons of their own.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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