03. Jupiter

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"Let's go make a fool of ourselves,"

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"Let's go make a fool of ourselves,"

— Your Lie In April


AFTER HE MADE his journey to the bin, he headed back to the lonely side of the room and poured out his whole bag; to look for that one book that had been laying eggs forever. It yellowed and curled from the edges as he never read it nor touched it. However, just for appearances, he flipped through it's pages that day.

But he couldn't focus on the words that presented on the pages before him. He kept glancing at the girl that he came across a few minutes ago. Heck, he even noticed a thing or two from her. And as a result, out of curiosity, he started to speak up.

"So you play the violin?" he said as he noticed the small violin case right beside her.

She looked at him, "Oh, yes. I do."

"That's nice," he replied.

He didn't know what violinists had to keep him so intrigued in each and every of their performances, but for sure, he knew he had ton of respect for them. Ever since he was little, he requested his mother to bring him to the nearby musical theater everyday. But soon enough, after moving away, he couldn't do that anymore. So, to see another player right in-front of him after years flushed nostalgia down his throat.

"Do you play the violin?" she asked. "I'm only a starter,"

He laughed, "No, I wouldn't be able to do that."

"You never know." she chuckled. "What do you do, then?"

With a horrible first impression, Noah started to realise that maybe she's not so bad after all. Likewise for the girl.

"I used to do the piano, but now I don't anymore," he scratched the back of his head.

"That's a shame, you'd probably be a good player,"

"You really think so? After all this mess that you've seen me do.." his voice trailed off.

She stopped for a second. "I'm just trying-" she sneezed, "Don't be so mean to yourself.

Then, their nice 'Get-to-know-each-other' was interrupted by the ringing of his phone. In a mere second, he whipped his phone from his back pocket and stared at it for a while. 'Father' it said. Picking up the itchy call, the only words that left his lips were, hello, alright and i'll be there soon.

"I'm sorry, I gotta go," he stuffed his pack of cigarettes in his bag. "Urgent call,"

"It's fine,"

Easily carrying his stuff with one shoulder, he made a beeline to the door.

"Wait!" she yelled. "You haven't told me your name,"

He stopped in his tracks.

"Noah. Noah Jupe,"

Seeing her nod, he stepped out of the room and came running down the street to the beloved donut shop that his father called him in to try. As he stepped in, the bells from the glass door chimed which made all heads turn to the entrance. Including his father's. Ignoring all the eyes that were glued on him, he zig-zagged his way through the tables to get to one that was for two, where he saw his father sipping tea.

"Come sit down, my boy," he gestured. Noah did as told. "Call Farah, she'll get you your order. Also, try the jelly-filled donuts will you? I think you'll like it,"

Noah shot his hand up until the mentioned woman caught a glimpse of him. When she came rushing towards them, she asked.

"What would you like? A cup of tea or?"

The sweaty boy flipped through the menu, "The jelly-filled donuts," With a pen and paper, she wrote what she was told. "And may you add a latte to that list too? Thank you," he added.

The woman bowed and turned around, running back the same way she came. Now as she left the table, his father then broke a question. "So, tell me, how's your new roommate?"

"Roommate? She's quite alright, she plays the violin," he answered.

"It's a girl now?" he raised his glasses, seeming rather interested. "Is she pretty?"

"Mmhmm," Noah nodded.

His father smirked, "Try and get with her, okay?"

But the boy didn't seem quite comfortable with his father's advice. "Dad, I have a girlfriend, remember?"

"Oh, yes! What makes you think that I don't know?"

He scoffed in disbelief. "You're unbelievable."

Afterwards, the woman with red tight curls came over with a plate in her hand and a drink in the other. Noah smiled and grabbed the donuts, then stuffed it into his mouth. Surprisingly enough, it tasted good.

"So anyway, why'd you call me here last minute?"

"I just wanted to say that your mother and I are getting a divorce," he nonchalantly said, avoiding eye contact.

His heart dropped. "Wait, what?"

"I said what I said," the man cleared his throat.

Noah didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He neither liked his mother nor father as they seemed to always end up in a ridiculous fight. But now that he was told that they were filling for a divorce, he didn't know how to react.

"You're living with me, aswell. Your mother hadn't got a choice like I do," his father sounded rather proud than upset.

The young boy tapped his fingers. "Well, atleast donuts taste splendid." he monotonously said.

"See? I told you it'd be good,"

Noah didn't try to put his input on what he thought about his parents separating. It wouldn't do much better for them as his opinions were never taken seriously. They always saw him as a child, no matter how much he aged.

"Can I start sleeping in the classrooms now, dad?" he sipped his coffee.

"Why? I thought you said that sleeping in a proper bed at home was better?"

He shook his head, "No. I lied."

His father clicked his tongue, "Alright, well, it's up to you, Jupiter."

"Thanks." he forced a smile.

a/n: i initially wanted to name this chap girlfriend but like, it didnt seem right so HAHAHA plus noah is our babyyy

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